About Rimma Savina
2022 - 2023
Private educational courses
2022 - 2022
Art workshops of NII SREDA
2005 - 2010
Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
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Previous events
Event: The aesthetics of fading
Dates: 1 Oct 2024 - 30 Nov 2024
The exhibition "Aesthetics of fading" is dedicated to finding oneself and finding inner harmony. The works reveal the beauty of nature in its maturity, when each element becomes a symbol of an inner world filled with tranquility and wisdom.
The landscapes and compositions of dried plants presented at the exhibition reflect the idea that a special, quiet charm is hidden in the process of withering. Through meditative images of nature, the viewer is invited to immerse himself in reflections on his inner world, on the search for harmony and peace that come through accepting the natural course of life.
The "aesthetics of fading" is a path to self—knowledge through awareness of the beauty of the moment when life slows down, and every stroke of it becomes more meaningful and profound.
Event: On my Moon
Dates: 13 Sep 2024 - 13 Oct 2024
The exhibition invites the viewer to embark on an enchanting journey through the worlds of The Little Prince. On a small planet in the infinite cosmic space there are its unique, amazing inhabitants, and each work of art becomes a bridge between the prince and his new friends.
In this magical space there will be deep reflections on time, fate, love and the spiritual path, which seem to be linked in an endless chain of striving for harmony and beauty.
The paintings and sculptures of the exposition reflect the uniqueness of each character. Golden shades fill the hall not only with beauty, but also with philosophical reflections, in which each visitor will find a reflection of his emotions, dreams and spiritual aspirations.
‘Only the heart is sharp. You cannot see the most important things with your eyes’, said the wise Fox to his friend in the famous fairy-tale parable “The Little Prince” by Saint-Exupéry.
Event: Summer is here
Dates: 20 Jul 2024 - 1 Sep 2024
The unique exhibition brought together hundreds of artists, each of whom presented their unique works, in one space!
A celebration of bright colors and sunny summer.
Event: Metamorphoses
Dates: 1 Mar 2024 - 17 Mar 2024
The Metamorphoses exhibition is a journey into the world of transformations and changes, where the paintings on display symbolize beauty, lightness and transformation.
Here the audience will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of magic and admiration for the beauty of nature. And also to get acquainted with various techniques and the author's style of the artist.
Event: Art Youth, World Youth Festival
Dates: 29 Feb 2024 - 7 Mar 2024
The World Youth Festival is the largest youth event in the world.
The Festival will host 20,000 young Russian and foreign leaders in such fields as business, media, international cooperation, culture, science, education, volunteering and charity, sports and various areas of public life. Teenagers representing children’s organizations and associations will join the Festival as well.
Event: Without Borders
Dates: 29 Feb 2024 - 7 Mar 2024
The World Youth Festival is the largest youth event in the world.
The Festival will host 20,000 young Russian and foreign leaders in such fields as business, media, international cooperation, culture, science, education, volunteering and charity, sports and various areas of public life. Teenagers representing children’s organizations and associations will join the Festival as well.
Event: Portraits of Weeds
Dates: 23 Jan 2024 - 10 Feb 2024
"Portraits of Weeds" is a personal exhibition by the artist Rimma Savina. The paintings are made in a mixed technique using dried plants.
The works raise the subject of critical attitude towards oneself and one's appearance. We often do not like some features in ourselves that we strive to correct. But nature is beautiful in its imperfection and diversity.
The paintings are made of dried "weeds" collected in the field. They reflect the individuality of each plant, showing it in a favorable light. Every twig, every leaf dries up in different ways. It is impossible to create a second such picture, because it is impossible to dry the plant "as needed". They are unique and unrepeatable.
The works show that beauty can be found in the most unusual and simple things, and that the most beautiful thing is to be true to yourself and your uniqueness.
Event: Art Fair 3.0
Dates: 14 Dec 2023 - 21 Jan 2024
At Art Fair 3.0, you will see the familiar and the mundane in a different light. The works presented at the exhibition determine the vector of further development of the entire Russian art market.
Event: Subconsciousness
Dates: 3 Sep 2023 - 30 Sep 2023
What is subconsciousness, what does it look like, what processes are taking place in it?
Chaotic, incoherent thoughts that cannot be formulated. Just passing through
from the unconscious into consciousness, they take
on an understandable form.
The inscriptions symbolize thoughts that are constantly spinning in your head, but remain
unspoken. They do not always have a definite shape, so they look like incoherent expressive lines
written quickly in the technique of automatic
Event: Art Russia Contemporary Art Fair
Dates: 30 Mar 2023 - 2 Apr 2023
Art Russia is Russia's largest contemporary art fair and international art forum, bringing together gallery owners and independent artists, collectors and art market experts on one site in the center of Moscow.
Event: Gifts under the Christmas tree
Dates: 18 Dec 2022 - 28 Jan 2023
The theme of the exhibition is the most intimate thing that you would like to receive as a gift for the new year, reflected in your work!
Event: Without borders. Artists of Donbass
Dates: 6 Dec 2022 - 13 Dec 2022
Until recently, for the world community as a whole, Donbass was a country without borders, an "exclusion zone" where a tragedy unfolded that was incomprehensible to many, and the vast majority could judge the causes and extent of which only on the basis of brief news reports. However, is an outsider able, reading stingy news releases, to realize the inner tension and hope of people who have been living in a state of struggle for many years?
This project will be the first experience of a large-scale demonstration of the results of creativity of participants of the local artistic community of Donbass, who continue to create art, being outside the usual peaceful course of life for most. Moreover, it is through art that these people "on the edge of the world" can be understood at the level of feeling and inner experience. In this sense, creators, creators of works of art, are themselves manifestors of their place and time.
Event: Arts & Fashion Biennale
Dates: 4 Dec 2022 - 4 Dec 2022
On December 4, as part of Designer Fashion Week 2022, we will hold an exhibition of works by modern masters at the unique Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya location, which will be the 15th anniversary for our project!
Among the guests: representatives of show business, fashion industry, TV producers, ambassadors, representatives of diplomatic missions of friendly states, media and entrepreneurs.
Event: Moscow and Muscovites. Ecosystem
Dates: 3 Sep 2022 - 10 Sep 2022
The following topics were touched upon by the artists:
The national project "Ecology", closed-loop economics, urban ecology, prevention of harmful effects on human health and the environment, transformation of home, office and industrial interiors, generation of landscapes, structures, objects and objects in the context of the environmental agenda, best practices of responsible consumption of the Soviet period.
The exhibition presents original works of painting, graphics, sculpture, media art, decorative and applied art, installations and works made in non-traditional materials and technologies.
The artists will take a historical tour, comprehend the present and look into the future.
The organizers and participants of the project are artists who have long made their environmental choice, including the art media used to create the exhibited works: these are used plastics, cellophane, polyethylene, paper, cardboard, plywood, metals and even paints.
Event: Without borders. Artists of Donbass
Dates: 15 Aug 2022 - 19 Aug 2022
Until recently, for the world community as a whole, Donbass was a country without borders, an "exclusion zone" where a tragedy unfolded that was incomprehensible to many, and the vast majority could judge the causes and extent of which only on the basis of brief news reports. However, is an outsider table, reading stingy news releases, to realize the inner tension and hope of people who have been living in a state of struggle for many years?
This project will be the first experience of a large-scale demonstration of the results of creativity of participants of the local artistic community of Donbass, who continue to create art, being outside the usual peaceful course of life for most. Moreover, it is through art that these people "on the edge of the world" can be understood at the level of feeling and inner experience. In this sense, creators, creators of works of art, are themselves manifesto of their place and time.
Event: WOW
Dates: 21 Jun 2022 - 21 Aug 2022
The theme of the exhibition: creative impressions of life, an explosion of color, unforgettable events and impressions
Fun, positive, joy!
Event: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
Dates: 14 Dec 2021 - 9 Jan 2022
The image of time and space throughout the history of art has been the most important ideological and artistic problem for authors of all generations.
In the era of digital reality, it has become easier to fix space-time relationships - just click the phone camera and document what is happening in the social media feed. The image stops time. If we consider life as a time segment of the path, then going into a painting is going out of a series of your own pictures into another world, the idea captured by the author - into eternity.
As part of the Open call, we invited artists to reflect on the connections of various forms of space-time relations and present works that transport viewers to the past, the future, and, of course, to eternity.
Event: Landscape
Dates: 1 Oct 2021 - 31 Oct 2021
Two of my works participated in this exhibition: "Lake of Dreams" and "Silent View"
Dates: 11 Aug 2021 - 29 Aug 2021
My artwork "Multicolored skyscape” took the 3rd place in the nomination “Zen of spaces and universes” at the international competition
Event: Earth. Version 2021. What happened after?
Dates: 13 May 2021 - 14 Jun 2021
The exhibition is an artistic study and search for an answer to the question "Does nature need a man?"
Event: Talent of Russia
Dates: 24 Jan 2021 - 13 Feb 2021
One of my paintings "Just Cognac" participated in this exhibition.
Event: Open / No Theme
Dates: 1 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2020
My artwork was selected as The Additional winner.
Event: Blue
Dates: 1 Dec 2020 - 31 Dec 2020
Two of my works participated in this exhibition: "Sunray. Game of Shadows" and "Neon Offer"
Event: Silver & Gold
Dates: 22 Nov 2020 - 30 Nov 2020
My artwork was selected as Honorable mention in “Silver & Gold”