About Riccardo Liotta
abstract art characterized by dynamic, angular geometries, contrasting shapes, overlapping polychromatic polygons, vibrant colors, sharp lines, and graphics elements.
eigencompositions and linear transformations, derived from the application
of mathematical formulas and geometric principles, it expresses concepts like
speed, movement, energy, reflecting the changing, unstable characteristics of nature,
as well as the fragmentation, uncertainty and undeterminability of life.
technically these compositions are influenced by Futurism, Rayonism, Constructivism, Suprematism, but take inspiration from comics, graphic design, diagrams and photographs of particle collisions and electron microscopy.
through continuous artistic
research and development, and by learning/experimenting with different techniques,
methods and tools, the art has evolved, becoming less rigid, less systematic,
but more intuitive, gestural, fluid, and it is created by experimenting with
figure-ground relationship, proportions, harmony, contrast, overlaps, layers, movement, and by analyzing and altering the behavior of colors,
fields, shapes, lines and segments.