About Rebeka Abdagic
2014 - 2015
Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo
2010 - 2014
Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo
2006 - 2010
High School of Applied Arts, Sarajevo
Golden badge of the University in Sarajevo
Golden badge of the University in Sarajevo
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Abdagić Rebeka was born in 1991 in Sarajevo . In her hometown she completed the School of Applied Arts in 2010 and in 2015 acquired the title of Master of Fine Arts - painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. She was rewarded by two Golden Badges/Decorations of the University of Sarajevo as the best student of 2013/14 and 2014/15 academy years (bachelors and masters).
She has exhibited in 50+ group exhibitions, including two thematic exhibitions related to the projects of the European Union on gender and ethnic minorities equality, several collective exhibitions of ULUBiH and ULUKS and ULUPUBiH, as well as seven solo exhibitions. She participated in several art colonies and residencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries.
In 2014. she became member of the Association of fine artists of B&H (ULUBiH) and Association of fine artists of Canton Sarajevo (ULUKS). From 2020 she has been a member of the Association of applied artists and designers (ULUPUBiH) in B&H, where she was employed as the Secretary General for 2 years. Since 2022 she hab been a member and Secretary General of UPAKU PRO ART.