Rebecca J. White

Joined Artfinder: Dec. 2020

Artworks for sale: 65


United States

Updates from Rebecca J. White's studio

  • ✨Exhibition at KYUSHU GEIBUN KAN MUSEUM 九州芸文館 opened today!✨

    ✨Exhibition at KYUSHU GEIBUN KAN MUSEUM 九州芸文館 opened today!✨

    Thank you to everyone who visited!!🙏 ✨I’ll be in the museum all day on Sunday😊✨ ✨9月1日 (木) ー 9月4日 (日)✨ ✨時間 09:00-21:00✨ ✨入場 無料✨ ✨よろしくお願いいたします🙏✨ ✨KYUSHU GEIBUN KAN MUSEUM, 1131 Tsushima, Chikugo, Fukuoka 833-0015✨九州芸文館,〒833-0015 福岡県筑後市津島1131✨

    01 September 2022

    ✨Solo Exhibition at KYUSHU GEIBUN KAN MUSEUM!!✨九州芸文館✨

    ✨Solo Exhibition at KYUSHU GEIBUN KAN MUSEUM!!✨九州芸文館✨

    1-4 September 2022, 9am - 9pm ✨9月1日 (木) ー 9月4日 (日), 時間 09:00-21:00,入場 無料✨I hope you’ll visit! よろしくお願いいたします🙏✨ ✨KYUSHU GEIBUN KAN MUSEUM address: 1131 Tsushima, Chikugo, Fukuoka 833-0015✨九州芸文館,〒833-0015 福岡県筑後市津島1131✨

    28 August 2022

    ✨Thank you everyone who visited!✨😃 ✨

    ✨Thank you everyone who visited!✨😃 ✨

    ✨The exhibition and live painting at ART SPACE TETRA has concluded.✨ アートスペース・テトラ (2-15 Susakimachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0028) 〒812-0028 福岡市博多区須崎町 2-15.

    30 July 2022

    ✨Awards ceremony for the 55th annual "Art Wave of the West" exhibition at Shimanose Art Museum 佐世保市博物館島瀬美術センター✨

    17 May 2022

    MERCANTILE MECHANISM #20 (YANAGAWA 柳川市さげもん) selected for the Grand Prize at the group show "Art Wave of the West" exhibiting works of artists from all over Nagasaki Prefecture.

    17 May 2022

    ✨✨So honored to have my painting selected for a Grand Prize of the 55th annual "Art Wave of the West" 佐世保市博物館島瀬美術センターpainting exhibition!✨ If you're in the area, please stop by and see amazing works by artists throughout Nagasaki Prefecture! ✨The exhibition is ongoing until 22 May ✨✨

    17 May 2022

    ✨✨solo exhibition at SHIMANOSE ART MUSEUM featured in today's paper‼️✨✨

    ✨✨solo exhibition at SHIMANOSE ART MUSEUM featured in today's paper‼️✨✨

    here's my rough translation of the interview😅: "LIFE SASEBO From April 25th to May 1st, an acrylic painting exhibition of Rebecca White is held at the Shimanose Art Museum. Rebecca White from America, has come to live in famous places of Japan: Kyoto, Tokyo, and Sasebo. Developed from experience as an electronic technician, she has a unique style of displaying Japanese customs like an electronic circuit board. “Now, we are in an era where we can connect with collectors all over the world through online galleries on the Internet. Sharing our views on the work will invigorate our imagination and curiosity,” she says. "Sometimes we pass by paintings, or stop and check details, question a title, or daydream. Art can be viewed in various ways depending on the mood of the viewer. I hope there’s no pressure to react to artwork." 世界中の作品と出会えるオンライン美術館のススメ 京都,東京,そして佐世保と日本名地を移り住んできたアメリカ出身のレベッカ・ホワイトさん。電子技帥の経験を活かし日本の風習を電子回路基板のような写するユニークな作風が持徴的です。「今はネット上のオンラインギャラリーを通じて世界中のコレクターと繋がることができる時代。作品へ見解を共有することで、 想像力や好奇心が活性化します」と誰もが楽しめる様々な観賞ツールにこそ、新しい可能性が眠っているといいます。「絵画によっては、素通りするもの、立ち止まって細部まで観賞するもの、タイトルに疑問中佐抱くもの、作品と同じ空想を膨らませるもの。観る側の気分によって、様々な観方ができるのがアート。プレッシャーを感じずに楽しんでも明らいたいです」 4月25日〜5月1日博物館島瀬美術でれべッカ・ホワイトのアクリル画展を開催。

    23 April 2022

    interview with TV Sasebo, aired in Nagasaki Prefecture on 29 & 30 Sep 2021

    30 September 2021



    Yuko & I at our shared exhibition, DUAL VIEWS, from 9-14 September at Arkas Saseboアルカス(〒857-0863 Nagasaki, Sasebo, Miuracho, 2−3)

    11 September 2021



    "2 WOMEN ARTISTS, FROM JAPAN AND AMERICA, SEND A SHARPENED [image of the] WORLD "Although the genres are different from each other, the ways we work, our procedures, and figurative expressions are similar” the two female artists say. Yuko Montgomery captures realist visions of the unique colorful beauty of living things. Rebecca White draws personal scenery with geometric patterns from a unique perspective. Yuko says "I try to eliminate unnecessary things as much as possible and put the parts that feel the beauty of living things into the canvas." The fur and texture of the paintings are so realistic that you can't think of them as paintings. Describing an acrylic painting she made of OMIKUJI as a system, Rebecca, who was born in Rochester New York, said "It's interesting to give money to receive spiritual words on bamboo, connected to the surroundings." She has lived in Kyoto and Tokyo, and has incorporated Japanese aesthetics, culture and customs into her work. Her style makes use of geometry and science is based on her experience as an electronics technician, and depicts the Japanese landscape in a blueprint like an electronic circuit board. Rebecca says she is drawn to the colors that make use of her thoughts on painting as an American. These two artists, who have been holding exhibitions in Fukuoka and Tokyo and many other places around the world, will collaborate in the exhibition “DUAL VIEWS,” which opens next week. From Thursday, 9 September through Tuesday 14 September at Arkas Sasebo (〒857-0863 Nagasaki, Sasebo, Miuracho, 2−3 アルカスSASEBO). Free viewing."

    04 September 2021

    solo exhibition online at Le360 Gallery

    view live 3D gallery via my website

    14 July 2021

    MUSEUM WEEK 2021

    MUSEUM WEEK 2021

    My virtual gallery featured in Museum Week 2021, a worldwide cultural event on social networks by @UNESCO • June 7-13 2021 • #MuseumWeek

    12 June 2021