Petq Popova

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Joined Artfinder: Dec. 2017

Artworks for sale: 23



About Petq Popova

  • Biography
    Petq Popova is a professional Bulgarian contemporary sculptor. She is born in 1989 in Sofia. In 2014 she graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia with master degree in both art woodcarving and art metalworking. She has participated in many art medal exhibitions in Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia and the US. She has won several awards for her original art medal object series. She loves painting as well and develops her talents widely. 
  • Links
  • Education

    2012 - 2014

    National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

    2006 - 2012

    National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

    2001 - 2006

    National High School of Applied Arts "St. Luka" - Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Awards


    Award "Vinaria"

    In 2016 Petq Popova won the First Award at the contest for conceptual design and annual production of a statuette of the "Vinaria" Organization, Bulgaria.

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    First Prize for "Young Artist"

    In 2014 Petq Popova won the First Prize for "Young Artist" at the annual exhibition "Sculpture", organized by the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia, Bulgaria.


    Award "And The Stone Speaks"

    In 2013 Petq Popova won an Award at the art contest "And The Stone Speaks" in Sofia, Bulgaria.


    Award "The Medal, That's Me"

    In 2013 Petq Popova won an Award at the contest "The Medal, That's Me".


    Prize Scholarship at the XXXIII Congress of "FIDEM"

    In 2013 Petq Popova won a Prize Scholarship at the XXXIII Congress of "FIDEM".
  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events



2012 - 2014

National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

2006 - 2012

National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

2001 - 2006

National High School of Applied Arts "St. Luka" - Sofia, Bulgaria



Award "Vinaria"

In 2016 Petq Popova won the First Award at the contest for conceptual design and annual production of a statuette of the "Vinaria" Organization, Bulgaria.

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First Prize for "Young Artist"

In 2014 Petq Popova won the First Prize for "Young Artist" at the annual exhibition "Sculpture", organized by the Union of Bulgarian Artists, Sofia, Bulgaria.


Award "And The Stone Speaks"

In 2013 Petq Popova won an Award at the art contest "And The Stone Speaks" in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Award "The Medal, That's Me"

In 2013 Petq Popova won an Award at the contest "The Medal, That's Me".


Prize Scholarship at the XXXIII Congress of "FIDEM"

In 2013 Petq Popova won a Prize Scholarship at the XXXIII Congress of "FIDEM".

There are no upcoming events



Petq Popova is a professional Bulgarian contemporary sculptor. She is born in 1989 in Sofia. In 2014 she graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia with master degree in both art woodcarving and art metalworking. She has participated in many art medal exhibitions in Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia and the US. She has won several awards for her original art medal object series. She loves painting as well and develops her talents widely.