About Peter Walters
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Event: Portraits from Classic Literature
Dates: 15 Feb 2015 - 15 Aug 2015
Select works from my Portraits from Classic Literature series exhibiting at the exciting new Art Now gallery in Rotterdam. www.gallery-artnow.com
Event: Portraits from Classic Literature
Dates: 2 Dec 2013 - 6 Jan 2014
From December 2nd through to January 6th 2014, local portrait painter, Peter Walters, will be exhibiting a collection of portraits and prints inspired by literary giants of classic literature.
With the Library of Wadebridge playing host to the series of monochromatic oil portraits, the subjects could not be more at home while hanging among the wide collection of classic works.
Read more: http://www.cornishguardian.co.uk/event/Art-Exhibition-Portraits-Classic-Literature/event-20222966-de tail/event.html#ixzz2lwZ6JXGR
“Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be”...and for artist Peter it is so much more.
Binding his creative talent and love of literature, Peter has established a literary inspired portfolio shared with book lovers and art fans across the globe.
With a background in portraiture, Peter spent his formative years in America and The Netherlands, before a return to the UK coincided with a transition to digital art. This merging of traditional illustration with digital art has seen Peter hone a style whose “mix of textures adds an eye-catching dimension to his vibrant collages.” (Publisher's Weekly)
Through his work as an illustrator and children's author, Peter is continuously reminded of the lasting impression works of literature can have on people of all ages. Working from his studio in beautiful North Cornwall, Peter takes great pleasure in creating affordable art that can strengthen this bond.