Pavlo Makedonskyi

Joined Artfinder: Feb. 2023

Artworks for sale: 76



About Pavlo Makedonskyi

  • Biography
    Now, when the war has been going on in my country for almost a year, it became necessary to tell the people of the whole world what Ukraine is. I, a Bulgarian of Ukrainian origin, can tell about this with my paintings. Your art platform can allow me not only to show my paintings to the world, but also to generate income from my art. I am sure that the beauty of the Ukrainian landscape, Ukrainian traditions, the variety of plot compositions will attract the interest of your viewers. I am a professional Ukrainian artist of Bulgarian origin. I work mainly in the technique of oil and acrylic painting, as well as graphics (watercolor and colored pencils). The technique in which I work can be attributed to Impressionism and Expressionism. My work is characterized by themes of the city, village, as well as figurative compositions with ethnic motifs. My works are stored in museums in Odessa (Ukraine), private collections in Europe, in the United States. I painted and restored temples. For many years I prepared entrants to enter art universities. I live and work in Kyiv, as well as painting classes. Participant of numerous regional all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions.
  • Links
  • Education

    1988 - 1993

    the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, faculty of painting and graphics

  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events



1988 - 1993

the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, faculty of painting and graphics

There are no upcoming events



Now, when the war has been going on in my country for almost a year, it became necessary to tell the people of the whole world what Ukraine is. I, a Bulgarian of Ukrainian origin, can tell about this with my paintings. Your art platform can allow me not only to show my paintings to the world, but also to generate income from my art. I am sure that the beauty of the Ukrainian landscape, Ukrainian traditions, the variety of plot compositions will attract the interest of your viewers. I am a professional Ukrainian artist of Bulgarian origin. I work mainly in the technique of oil and acrylic painting, as well as graphics (watercolor and colored pencils). The technique in which I work can be attributed to Impressionism and Expressionism. My work is characterized by themes of the city, village, as well as figurative compositions with ethnic motifs. My works are stored in museums in Odessa (Ukraine), private collections in Europe, in the United States. I painted and restored temples. For many years I prepared entrants to enter art universities. I live and work in Kyiv, as well as painting classes. Participant of numerous regional all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions.