About Pavel Oskin
Epson Pano Awards
Epson Pano Awards
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From 2008 Pavel travelled a lot and became interested in landscape photography. Since 2011 Oskin has been organizing master classes and photo tours all over the world, including Iceland, Italy, Czech Republic, Scotland, Norway, Greece, New Zealand, Bolivia, and many others.
His works have been published in numerous magazines including «National Geographic Traveler». In 2003 and 2012 he had a few personal exhibitions.
Pavel owns a spacious photo studio in Prague and since 2016 till 2020 he has organized a Prague-based annual photography festivals «Prague Take Away» and «Interphotocamp».
Photo contest Epson Pano Awards – 2 gold medals (2017), 1 silver and 3 bronze (2017), 7 bronze medals (2020).
Pavel about photography:
«Photography for me is a way to tell people how beautiful, amazing, subtle and defenseless the world around us is. The quickly disappearing moment is the most valuable, sometimes elusive and I feel the necessity to share the feeling of vibrations of the moment with those who missed the chance to catch it.
No one will ever draw better than nature did. That is my main postulate in the interpretation of beauty. I appreciate the «delicacy» of not exaggerating, but at the same time of not dimming the palette of Nature».