About Noah Greene
2014 - 2018
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
2012 - 2013
School Museum of Fine Arts and TUFTS
Bluementhal Honors Award
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Event: A Pigment of Your Imagination
Dates: 15 Jun 2019 - 15 Jun 2019
A group POP UP show featuring emerging artists: Michelle Holman, Noah Greene and Melanie Reese.
My work is about these shared narratives, originating from my own narrative but extending into the viewer’s own story. Each work or series is a different aspect of that narrative, that comes together as a whole story. Each piece talks about a set of experiences that viewers can identity with or not identify with. The goal is to form a conversation between viewer and artist with the ultimate aim of bridging the gaps between different groups of people. I hope to encourage the idea that even though different people’s lives and beliefs may be very different from one another, there can still be commonality. We are not so unique that our stories are so different to one another.