About Oxana Raduga
1985 - 1991
Moscow State University of Design and Technology (now Moscow Textile Academy)
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Previous events
Event: Children as Grown Ups
Dates: 15 Sep 2020 - 1 Oct 2020
A group Excibition reflecting life of teen-agers girls and their complexes and psycho scarings...
Event: No way to start
Dates: 12 Nov 2019 - 1 Dec 2019
Women's rights discussed here
This is part of me - to watch , to observe...
Initially I worked as a fashion editor and fashion illuatrator in some important glossy magazines as I graduated from Moscow Textile Academy with a designer diploma.
My second art education goes to academic basics - it's St Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, academic drawing.
My clients say that I paint and draw people in a special way. It is both psychological and expressive. I am a screenplay writer but in my paintings, drawings and sketches.
My painting or drawings are always a cornerstone mistery hidden in the layers of fashion, cinema, I explore the phenomena of world culture (mostly vintage).
I'm researching female sexuality and people love the way I paint or draw nude sketches. I try to find new points of female plastics.
One of my guilty pleasures is constantly drawing of lifestyle sketches as well. People and their soul movements expressed in portraits and figures fascinate me.
This is about flowers and nature as well.
I love collages , love mixing and "catching the eye" in the contemporary flow - I am the pupil of "Dada" direction in Arts.
Paintings of Oxana Raduga are in private collections in Finland, Czech, Italy, Greece, Germany, Canada, USA (MI, MO, MS, MT, KS, TX, ID, CA and others), UK and Ireland.