Orlin Ivanov

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Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2017

Artworks for sale: 27



About Orlin Ivanov

  • Biography
    Orlin Rusev Ivanov is a professional Bulgarian contemporary sculptor. He graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia with both bachelor and master degrees in Sculpture Art. Now he creates sculptures and art objects for many private collections in Bulgaria and teaches at the National Academy of Arts with a doctorate degree in Drawing and Art Object Modeling. His style is often described as gentle, fine and precise in its unique figurative form. 
  • Links
  • Education

    2002 - 2004

    National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

    1998 - 2002

    National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

    1998 - 2002

    National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

    1991 - 1998

    National High School of Applied Arts "St. Luka" - Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Upcoming Events

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2002 - 2004

National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

1998 - 2002

National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

1998 - 2002

National Academy of Arts "Nikolay Pavlovich", Sofia, Bulgaria

1991 - 1998

National High School of Applied Arts "St. Luka" - Sofia, Bulgaria

There are no upcoming events



Orlin Rusev Ivanov is a professional Bulgarian contemporary sculptor. He graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia with both bachelor and master degrees in Sculpture Art. Now he creates sculptures and art objects for many private collections in Bulgaria and teaches at the National Academy of Arts with a doctorate degree in Drawing and Art Object Modeling. His style is often described as gentle, fine and precise in its unique figurative form.