About Olga Sennikova
Finalist diploma
Thank-you letter
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Color + material, analog + digital, work + love. In wild freedom, exuberance and the feeling of changing creative boundaries, I always ask: “What if...?” This defines my creative style.
In collages I combine paper, fragments of magazines, paints, markers, ink and even materials such as car tuning film. I care about the state of the world around me and with my creativity I help a little in recycling waste paper. I take glossy magazines and use them to create pictures.
Inspired by my collages, I paint pictures with paints (acrylic, oil, tempera)The main thing in my works is the emphasis on color, the brightness of individual elements, the combination of the unusual, and humor.
The largest series of works dedicated to dogs (more than 20 ). Runs through all my work from the very beginning. And I return to it again and again. Why dogs? Because they are amazing creatures, loyal and charming. By showing emotions, a dog cannot deceive. She is the embodiment of sincerity. The main connoisseurs of this series are dog breeders. In general, they became customers for portraits of their beloved pets.