Olga Grigo

Joined Artfinder: Nov. 2019

Artworks for sale: 432


Russian Federation

About Olga Grigo

  • Biography
    Olga Grigorevykh is an artist based in Moscow, Russia. Her art is closely related to watercolor and loose flowers. This material allows to convey incredibly deeply all the most beautiful that she feels inside herself and see around. 

    "When I draw, I am completely immersed in the process, I and watercolor - we have long become best friends, lovers and partners - we trust and love each other, so each of our meetings is a gentle dance with a wonderful ending! I tell beautiful watercolor stories about flowers, soul, love and give them to people!

    Welcome to my gallery!
    Here you can buy beautiful abstract watercolor and sculpture paintings, giclée prints with loose flowers. 
    If today you have not found anything suitable in size or color, you can make a custom order: contact me and tell me about your wishes and we will definitely talk about cooperation!

    Buying my paintings, as a gift you get a compliment - a watercolor postcard! 
    It will be a small 10*15 cm watercolor painting of my choice, I am sure that you will like it! You can use the card for its intended purpose - sign it and send it to your loved one, or you can arrange it in a frame and this will be an element of the decor of your home.

    Good luck and a good choice!
  • Links
  • Awards


    2nd Place Diploma

    Russian Art Week, 23-29 april, 2018
    Nomination "Expressionism"
    Watercolor painting "Breath of spring"
  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: Online exhibition Art and StartUp

    Dates: 24 Jul 2020 - 24 Aug 2020

    Venue: OpenCall, Moscow

    Competition from the business space Moscow Production Center on the topic "What unites startup and art".
    My watercolor flowers as part of the beauty expressed in textiles.

    Event: Dance with colors

    Dates: 17 Jul 2020 - 24 Jul 2020

    Venue: IWS SARE GALLERY MOSCOW, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Paveletskiy proezd, 5C1

    Exhibition of contemporary watercolors in IWS SARE GALLERY with Mondial Art Academia

    Event: Russian Art Awards 2018

    Dates: 2 May 2018 - 10 May 2018

    Venue: Russian Art Awards, Moscow

    Two large watercolor paintings took part in the exhibition.

    Event: Russian Art Week, Moscow

    Dates: 23 Apr 2018 - 29 Apr 2018

    Venue: International art fair & competition of contemporary arts, RUSSIAN ART WEEK, ARTPLAY moscow

    This is my first exhibition.
    It was attended by several of my watercolor paintings, one of which was awarded a diploma of 2nd place in the nomination "Impressionism"




2nd Place Diploma

Russian Art Week, 23-29 april, 2018
Nomination "Expressionism"
Watercolor painting "Breath of spring"

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Online exhibition Art and StartUp

Dates: 24 Jul 2020 - 24 Aug 2020

Venue: OpenCall, Moscow

Competition from the business space Moscow Production Center on the topic "What unites startup and art".
My watercolor flowers as part of the beauty expressed in textiles.

Event: Dance with colors

Dates: 17 Jul 2020 - 24 Jul 2020

Venue: IWS SARE GALLERY MOSCOW, Russia, Moscow, 2nd Paveletskiy proezd, 5C1

Exhibition of contemporary watercolors in IWS SARE GALLERY with Mondial Art Academia

Event: Russian Art Awards 2018

Dates: 2 May 2018 - 10 May 2018

Venue: Russian Art Awards, Moscow

Two large watercolor paintings took part in the exhibition.

Event: Russian Art Week, Moscow

Dates: 23 Apr 2018 - 29 Apr 2018

Venue: International art fair & competition of contemporary arts, RUSSIAN ART WEEK, ARTPLAY moscow

This is my first exhibition.
It was attended by several of my watercolor paintings, one of which was awarded a diploma of 2nd place in the nomination "Impressionism"



Olga Grigorevykh is an artist based in Moscow, Russia. Her art is closely related to watercolor and loose flowers. This material allows to convey incredibly deeply all the most beautiful that she feels inside herself and see around. 

"When I draw, I am completely immersed in the process, I and watercolor - we have long become best friends, lovers and partners - we trust and love each other, so each of our meetings is a gentle dance with a wonderful ending! I tell beautiful watercolor stories about flowers, soul, love and give them to people!

Welcome to my gallery!
Here you can buy beautiful abstract watercolor and sculpture paintings, giclée prints with loose flowers. 
If today you have not found anything suitable in size or color, you can make a custom order: contact me and tell me about your wishes and we will definitely talk about cooperation!

Buying my paintings, as a gift you get a compliment - a watercolor postcard! 
It will be a small 10*15 cm watercolor painting of my choice, I am sure that you will like it! You can use the card for its intended purpose - sign it and send it to your loved one, or you can arrange it in a frame and this will be an element of the decor of your home.

Good luck and a good choice!