About Oleg Chumakov
2017 - 2018
Garage Center for Contemporary Art / Сourse "Philosophy of Art"
2016 - 2017
"Free Workshops"- School of Contemporary Art of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art
1993 - 1998
Southern Federal University (SFEDU) / Master of Philosophy
IPA Russian Photo Contest
IPA Russian Photo Contest
IPA Russian Photo Contest
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Previous events
Event: "Dismorphophobia, or the war within your mind”
Dates: 17 Jul 2019 - 18 Aug 2019
"Dismorphophobia” Moscow, Russia, Moscow Museum of Modern Art
Event: Black and white here
Dates: 10 Aug 2017 - 10 Sep 2017
2017 "Black and white here "Project" Life of memory "Gallery"ZDES na Taganke" Moscow, Russia
Event: "Where no one dreams: from sacred geography to desolation"
Dates: 3 Jul 2017 - 20 Aug 2017
"Where no one dreams: from sacred geography to desolation”
Event: Binge - exhibition action.
Dates: 24 Jan 2017 - 27 Jan 2017
AZ Museum, Moscow, Russia
Binge - exhibition action.
My name is Oleg Chumakov. I’m a photographer from faraway Russia, where bears walk the streets all year round 😊.
Photography is my life! I’ve been doing photography for the last 10 years. A few years ago, I started creating my own projects and actively selling prints in a limited edition. I have extensive experience in online sales around the world
In 2017, I completed my studies at the "Free Workshops"- School of Contemporary Art of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, where I got deeply into the study of art history.
I work with the cultural and social heritage of my country - the legacy of the Soviet Union, the influence of Western culture on the post-Soviet space, the subsequent digitalization, mixing of cultures and the formation of Russia as a more Western country. Also, I work with Russian art – I’m impressed by such artists as Kandinsky, Malevich, Kabakov - my idols and inspiration sources. I love to mix inspiration with Russian and Western artists - Andy Warhol, Richard Hamilton, Edward Hopper, David Hockney, Jeff Wall.
I am worried about the problems of ecology and hyperconsumption, the negative impact of social networks on humanity, this is reflected in my series of photos “Breakfast on the grass”.
It is important for me to show the world that Russian art is original, unique, modern, and relevant.
In the past years, I have done several major projects:
"New surreal fairy tales about lost meanings and love not found", "Foreign territory", "Three billboards on the border of Moscow and the Moscow region", etc.
They take an active part in exhibitions and have awards (the list is below).
Best wishes
Oleg Chumakov.
2013 IPA Russian Photo Contest/ Bronze/ Advertising
2014 IPA Russian Photo Contest/ Gold/ Book
2015 IPA Russian Photo Contest/ Gold/ Conceptual
2016 AZ Museum, Moscow, Russia
2017 "Where no one dreams: from sacred geography to desolation”
Moscow, Russia, Moscow Museum of Modern Art
2017 "Black and white here”, Project "Life of memory", Gallery “ZDES na Taganke”, Moscow, Russia
2019 "Dysmorphophobia”, Moscow, Russia, Moscow Museum of Modern Art