About Oleg and Alexander Litvinov
Alexander Litvinov was born шт 1967, in the city of Lubny.
One of his favorite lessons was drawing. Even more attractive was studying at an art school, where boys and girls joined the high art thanks to the wise teachers Vasyl Semenyuta, Anatoliy Kharchuk, Mykola Korablyuva, and Tamara Moshnikova.
And another extremely important role in the passion for painting was played by the fact that Alexander's father, Arkady Petrovich Litvinov, was both a talented artist and an excellent teacher. He had 53 years of teaching experience - he taught drawing and sketching at the Lubny school № 1, many of his students associated their professions with art.
While still in school, Alexander began to design books, in particular, children's literature. He received his first creative fee in the tenth grade from the publishing house "Rainbow" for the design of books by Anatoly Rybakov "Vacation Krosha". Later he studied at the Odessa Theater and Art School, majoring in "Artistic design of puppet shows and art and dummy art." Studying at school and being fascinated with historical and biblical literature since childhood have greatly influenced the artist's creative style. He works in the style of so-called figurative art, where the main image of the human body. It is not easy to master this kind of art, and not many artists work in this genre, but Alexander succeeded.
His collaboration with book publishers also influenced the formation of the artist's creative style. In addition to the publishing house of children's literature "Rainbow", there were also "Dnipro" in Kyiv and "Mayak" in Odesa. In total, the artist has designed more than thirty books.
Historical and biblical plots come to life in O. Lytvynov's paintings, often with a large number of characters, compositionally built according to the laws of the genre. Among the most significant and beloved works of the artist - "The Apotheosis of Caesar", "Salome raises the head of John the Baptist", "George the Victorious", "Dance of Salome", "Captivity of Samson". "Cossack wedding", "Cossack party near the Mgarsky monastery".
In total, Alexander Litvinov's creative output includes about a thousand works. His works were exhibited at art exhibitions in 0deci where he participated in art auctions. In 1992, due to illness, he returned to Poltava region, to his hometown, where he is a regular participant in exhibitions of works by Lubny artists in the Gallery of Fine Arts of the Lubny Museum of Local Lore. His personal exhibitions have been held here many times. The artist's paintings are in private collections in Germany, England, Poland, Russia, France, Switzerland, the USA, Canada.
Litvinov Oleg Arkadievich was born in 1957 in Poltava region, in Lubny, Parent-school teacher of drawing and sketching, Litvinov Arkady Petrovich.
In 1979, the Odesa Literary Museum purchased several of its illustrations for its collection, Litvinov OA participates in the Republican Exhibition of Book Art in Kyiv. Already in the third year of school the first personal exhibition Litvinova OA took place. in Odessa.
3 In 1982, intensive publishing activities began in Odesa and Kyiv as graphic illustrators. Here is a non-exhaustive list of publications with his illustrations (today there are about fifty of them)
In 1982 he graduated from the Odessa Theater and Art School. 3 1987 Litvinov OA member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. The main personal exhibitions (about 30) during all creative work:
1982 - Odessa, Actor's House ";
1992 - Odessa, "Museum of Western and Oriental Art";
1995 - Zurich, "Kunstatelle";
1995 - Munich;
1997, 2002 - Odessa, Gallery "Frapoli House";
2002 - Odessa, "Literary Museum";
2002 Moscow, Art Manege.
3 In 1985, painting occupies a worthy place in the work of OA Litvinov, and he can already be considered not only a professional creator of works in the field of easel graphics, engraving, illustration, but also painting. Over the past 30 years, he has created more than 100 paintings, among them - multi-figure paintings in the best traditions of masters who continue and transform the classical direction (large-scale oil paintings, plots - historical, religious, mythological, Old and New Testaments, etc.). Paintings and graphic works are in the Odesa Literary Museum, in the collections of the "Art Internet Center" (Zurich), in the gallery of Valentin Rybov (Moscow), in the collections of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, and private collections in the United States, Germany. Holland, Belgium, France. Switzerland, Hong Kong, Russia, and Ukraine. The main paintings: polyp "Apokaipsis", triptych "Doomsday", "Christ before Pilate". "Golgotha", "Triumph of Death", "Capture of Christ", "Abduction of Europe", "Diana and Actaeon", and others.