About Newel Hunter
“It’s not about the paint. Or the canvas. It’s about digging deep enough to stir the soul.”
As a writer and artist, Newel Hunter can’t help himself. He’s a storyteller. Of tricksters and tramps. Of dreams and harsh reality. Of pathos and passion. Of unbidden energy and unwholesome vibrations. In his portfolio, you’ll find stories of love and death amid amazing landscapes. You’ll find translucent forms with only hints of substance and color. His black and white images dance and vibrate with a fluid calligraphic style wholly his own.
Highly physical, gestural, exhilarating and interpretive, Hunter’s art is a whole body exercise in storytelling. Even in its most abstract.
He paints mainly in black and white -- inspired by any number of European Art Informel and American abstractionists. Among them, Kline, Motherwell, Still, Hofmann, Richter, and de Kooning. Hunter has stated that Pierre Soulages -- with his concentration on the light reflecting qualities of black -- has influenced him more than just about any other artist.
His art is widely represented in collections within and outside the U.S. He has exhibited extensively in national -- and international -- curated shows, including “Art by America, A National Review of Two-Dimensional Contemporary Art” in Chicago, "Controlling Chaos: Aleatoric Art in the Twenty First Century" in Ft Myers, Florida, "Art Comes Alive 2018" in Cincinnati, Ohio. Art Now America 2021 in Johnson City, Tennessee and the Black, Grey & White exhibition at the Art House Gallery in Hastings, Missouri.
Aleatoric Art in the 21st Century. Featured as one of only 44 international artists. At 240 pages, this coffee table-sized book is the definitive volume on the role of chance in contemporary fine art.
Artfolio 2020 & 2021. These beautiful coffee table-sized books feature “A curated collection of the world's most exciting artists” as decided by an international jury of professional artists, museum curators, gallery owners, art consultants and collectors.
Studio Visit Magazine, Volumes 17 & 39; result of a juried national competition.
Select Exhibitions:
Art Comes Alive 2021; ADC Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio; Jurors: Multiple; Abstract Painter of the Year Award
Black, Grey & White; Art House Gallery; International curated exhibition; Juror: Rebecca George
Art Now America; Slocum Gallery; Juror: Mike Calway-Fagen
Expressions West; Coos Art Museum; Juror: Yuji Hiratsuka
Art That Surrounds You; Arts Benicia; International curated virtual exhibition; Juror: Asya Abdrahman
CVG Show 2019; Collective Visions Gallery; Juror: Gary Faigan
Art Comes Alive 2018; (National) ADC Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio; Jurors: Multiple
Expressions Northwest; Northwind Arts Center; Juror: Margaret Bullock
Open Juried Art Show; Peninsula Art League; Juror: Michael Stasinos
Expressions Northwest; Northwind Art Center; Juror: Susan Warner
Alchemy of the Abstract, Northwind Arts Center, JUROR'S CHOICE AWARD; Juror: Jonathan Wood
CVG 2017; Collective Visions Gallery; Juror: Ned Mueller
Expressions Northwest; Northwind Art Center; Juror: Patricia Watkinson
Art Convergence; Port Angeles Fine Arts Center; Juror: Mike McCollum
Expressions West; Coos Art Museum; Juror: Leslie Kenneth Price
CVG 2016; Collective Visions Gallery; Juror: Leilani Lewis
Expressions Northwest; Northwind Art Center; Juror: Kathleen Moles
“Art by America, A National Review of Two-Dimensional Contemporary Art” (National); Art House Gallery, Chicago, Illinois; Curators: Rebecca George and Arthur Connor