About Nettie Heron-Middleton
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Visiting the Roy Lichtenstein exhibition at Tate Modern in 2013, I was re-inspired by his slick graphic hand-crafted artwork, including many pictures I'd never seen before.
The colour, imagery and techniques remain dynamically fresh and exciting.
I decided to build on the concept of creating scenes within Pop interiors, bringing together an eclectic selection of characters and objects, often dictated by colour, scale and perspective.
It was refreshing to break from my usual internal and sketched development of ideas and subsequent painting, by gathering, albeit with the help of my Granny's minute Victorian scissors, ready-made artifacts which spoke for themselves, evolving into unpredictable collaged scenarios.
The subsequent scenes, inspired by many designers, artists and craftspeople, created a myriad of potential interpretations.
As an artist, it is scarily fun never knowing what will happen next!