Marcin Aleksander Rudnicki

Joined Artfinder: Aug. 2023

Artworks for sale: 5


About Marcin Aleksander Rudnicki

  • Biography
    Hello! I'm Marcin Aleksander Rudnicki (they/them). I'm a queer, transmasculine and nonbinary visual artist.

    My artistic research is focused on the queer expression, sexuality, body and the spheres of life that are directly influenced by it. I am most interested in portraying settings of futuristic environments, megacities and neon-coloured hues.

    The fact that transmasculine body is invisible in the general discourse creates a dissonance within me, as if my body didn't exist in the public eye, even though it is very much real. For many years it made me feel alienated, and I wished I saw more bodies like mine in art, books, media in general. In my art I strive to depict queer bodies in artistic nudes, especially those of transmasculine body, to show the viewers and fellow trans people the variety of trans body, its sheer existence, and beauty. The bodies I depict are of anthropomorphic animals, which are more relatable to me than solely human bodies.

    I create art from the place of self-affirmation and self-exploration, often using my alter-ego to show my queerness in a positive, empowering light, which gives me the energy to go forwards. My work tends to be escapist, as I often set my artwork in highly futuristic, hypertechnological universes, in hope that the far future societies will have overcame all kinds of queerphobia.

    This futuristic context allows me to experiment with the traditional medium, as I want to create the effect of striking neon colours on 2D canvas, currently using the UV-reactive acrylic paint and UV lamp. These UV paintings are viewable in both sunlight and UV light, and I develop them in paralell as I paint them, switching between the light sources as I work and trying to balance both versions together.

    I am based in Rome, Italy, but I lived a good chunk of my life in Warsaw area, Poland, which both heavily influenced my imagery of a city which I try and melt together in my work.
  • Links
  • Education

    2018 - 2021

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

    2014 - 2018

    Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: Games are Art

    Dates: 1 Jul 2021 - 24 Sep 2021

    Venue: RAWFURY pop-up gallery, Högbergsgatan 44, Stockholm, Sverige

    art show hosted and organized by RAW FURY video game studio with artworks inspired by the catalogue of their video games



2018 - 2021

Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

2014 - 2018

Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Games are Art

Dates: 1 Jul 2021 - 24 Sep 2021

Venue: RAWFURY pop-up gallery, Högbergsgatan 44, Stockholm, Sverige

art show hosted and organized by RAW FURY video game studio with artworks inspired by the catalogue of their video games



Hello! I'm Marcin Aleksander Rudnicki (they/them). I'm a queer, transmasculine and nonbinary visual artist.

My artistic research is focused on the queer expression, sexuality, body and the spheres of life that are directly influenced by it. I am most interested in portraying settings of futuristic environments, megacities and neon-coloured hues.

The fact that transmasculine body is invisible in the general discourse creates a dissonance within me, as if my body didn't exist in the public eye, even though it is very much real. For many years it made me feel alienated, and I wished I saw more bodies like mine in art, books, media in general. In my art I strive to depict queer bodies in artistic nudes, especially those of transmasculine body, to show the viewers and fellow trans people the variety of trans body, its sheer existence, and beauty. The bodies I depict are of anthropomorphic animals, which are more relatable to me than solely human bodies.

I create art from the place of self-affirmation and self-exploration, often using my alter-ego to show my queerness in a positive, empowering light, which gives me the energy to go forwards. My work tends to be escapist, as I often set my artwork in highly futuristic, hypertechnological universes, in hope that the far future societies will have overcame all kinds of queerphobia.

This futuristic context allows me to experiment with the traditional medium, as I want to create the effect of striking neon colours on 2D canvas, currently using the UV-reactive acrylic paint and UV lamp. These UV paintings are viewable in both sunlight and UV light, and I develop them in paralell as I paint them, switching between the light sources as I work and trying to balance both versions together.

I am based in Rome, Italy, but I lived a good chunk of my life in Warsaw area, Poland, which both heavily influenced my imagery of a city which I try and melt together in my work.