About Mikhail Vedernikov
"Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve"
Golden turtle 2017
«These amazing birds»
Russian Art Week
St. Peterburg Art Week
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Event: Birds of my town
Dates: 11 Sep 2017 - 4 Nov 2017
Traveling exhibition on request
Event: Red on black
Dates: 22 Oct 2013 - 22 Nov 2013
An exhibition of works devoted to the birds and animals of the red book of the Sverdlovsk region. These birds and animals are small numbers in our region
My name is Mikhail, I was born and live in Artemovsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. I am a self-taught artist, I have no art education. I became interested in drawing in 2007, while I was studying at College. Drawing has completely captured me so I am drawing, watching tutorials, reading articles nearly my whole free time. During this period pastels got my favorite media. My first set of pastel pencils I bought only in 2011 and by that time I already had theoretical knowledge about this material, which I could apply in practice. As a direction I chose realism, genre – animalism.
In 2014 I started birdwatching. I don’t often manage to get out on a photo hunt, but in those rare cases I get a lot of pleasure watching the birds, making beautiful photos and discovering new interesting species that I have not met before.