About Neeta Popat Kataria
1986 - 1989
Stella Maris College India
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Event: Pinner Sketch Club Summer Exhibition
Dates: 12 Aug 2016 - 27 Aug 2016
Pinner Sketch Club Summer Exhibition for membes
Event: Harrow Art Society art exhibition
Dates: 4 Jul 2016 - 16 Jul 2016
Exhibition for HAS members
Event: Art Power
Dates: 20 Jun 2016 - 24 Jun 2016
Group Exhibition shared with 2 other artist from London
I am a fine artist who loves nature and animals and I have special interest in watercolour subject: landscapes, Portraits, Flowers, Animals and Still-life . Love nature and animals
I've always found that connecting with nature feeds my soul like nothing else can - it doesn't matter whether it’s a woodland walk or a simple picnic in the garden. It's that re-connection to the world around me and the reminder that I'm part of something so much bigger than myself that instantly restores my sense of perspective, peace and clarity.
I enjoy experimenting with strong, vibrant, luminous colours and I would describe my style as spontaneous, loose and flowing. I find the process of painting quite magical - I allow the paint to take control, allowing it flow, blend and react freely.
I often use bright washes of wet in wet colour, as well as mixed media and experiment techniques for exciting effects and textures.