About Nataliia Zaharuk
2000 - 2006
Ukrainian National University of Wood and Forestry Technologies
There are no upcoming events
My name is Nataliia. I am an Ukrainian artist based in Houston,TX.
Art has always been my passion and my life. Ever since i was a young child i have always been creating art of some kind or another. In 2006 i earned a degree in landscape design from University of Wood and Forestry Technology.
All of my jobs have been related to art in one way or another.
I live in Ukraine and get my inspirations from its history and natural scenery. Nature is a huge source of inspiration. Horses are my second biggest passion and i've been painting them for years.
I love to use color, contrast, texture, and to experiment. I enjoy exploring, discovering and learning new things when i work on new pieces, which excites me. I work mostly with oil paints, using a palette knife and brushes, acrylic, gilding and occasionally portrait sketches.
I have sold my paintings to people in various countries of Europe, as well as Canada and the USA.
Thank you for your interest in my creativity. I hope you enjoy my work because every piece is filled with great emotion and love.