About Anastasiia Novitskaya
2009 - 2015
Donetsk National Technical University
Contemporary art magazine “Artwork gallery” Issue 4 ‘Big dream’
The tastes and styles of artists worldwide are infinitely unique, but we let our site visitors choose what suits their tastes. This contemporary art portal will become a source of inspiration, new discoveries, and a place of power for you!
We appreciate artists with a strong concept and unite here both established creators and young ones who have just started their art path, regardless of age.
The founders of the project are from Ukraine and we will be happy to collect and write more about Ukrainian artists on our platform. And also to support women artists in all mediums from any country.
Publication On a cover a Magazine of the Arts “Arboreal”
Silver award
In Full Bloom is an opportunity to explore the multifaceted beauty of flowers and plants— their colors, textures, shapes, and the emotions they evoke.
We invite artists to unleash their creativity and share their unique artistic interpretations of flora and fauna, capture the spirit of blossoms, explore their symbolism, or delve into the mesmerizing details—and let their imaginations flourish! All media were accepted, including 3-D. Artists over the age of 18, regardless of location or experience, were encouraged to submit their best-inspired work.
Publication in a magazine "Superpresent"
A Magazine of the Arts
Volume 3, Number 3
The name Superpresent conveys multiple meanings. It could be something very much in the here and now, or something beyond the present state of being or thinking, or something surreal, or it could simply be a great and wonderful gift. In this sense, we seek to present poetry, essays, short stories, and visual arts that are compelling and in someway represent an aspect of the super present.
Website: www.superpresent.org
Winner of the Artrepreneur "Industrial" Open Call
A follow-up to the successful Wild Animals Open Call is Industrial. We’re thinking minimalism, sharp angles, beautiful patinas, and exciting contrasts. Can you imagine your artwork feeling at home in a hip warehouse? Would it add energy to a bohemian loft? We want to see what you’ve got!
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Event: In Full Bloom
Dates: 5 Aug 2023 - 5 Sep 2023
Silver award in the 2023 In “Full Bloom Online Art” Exhibition at J. Mane Gallery
J. Mane Gallery is proud to present our In Full Bloom online juried art exhibition.
In Full Bloom is an opportunity to explore the multifaceted beauty of flowers and plants— their colors, textures, shapes, and the emotions they evoke.
We invite artists to unleash their creativity and share their unique artistic interpretations of flora and fauna, capture the spirit of blossoms, explore their symbolism, or delve into the mesmerizing details—and let their imaginations flourish! All media were accepted, including 3-D. Artists over the age of 18, regardless of location or experience, were encouraged to submit their best-inspired work.
Event: Exhibition
Dates: 10 May 2023 - 1 Sep 2023
Daltroquadro nasce a Genova nella primavera del 2022 con l’idea di creare una Galleria aperta, innovativa, meno elitaria possibile.
L’arte è democratica? Forse no, ma la sua fruizione può provare ad esserlo.
Non solo collezionisti insomma: attraverso varie formule e strategie avere un’opera unica in casa o un multiplo di valore può essere accessibile a tutti quelli che vogliono farlo.
Event: The SPACE exhibition
Dates: 12 Apr 2023 - 23 Apr 2023
April 12, 1961 - the date when Yury Gagarin became the
rst human to journey into outer space . To many
people, many generations this ight was quite symbolic
as it showed that dreams could come true. The dream to
y, y high, higher than birds, than anything on our
Our exhibition does not only represent space-related
topics. The thoughts of the participating artists go even
beyond space. They look into us, people, to nd answers
to eternal questions. Through these real and imaginary
worlds they try to voice their positions, o er solutions,
object to current reality and dream the future.
Event: Euroflora
Dates: 3 Apr 2022 - 8 May 2022
When elegance meets beauty, the myth goes beyond all imagination to become reality. In the marvelous and evocative setting of the Nervi Parks, Euroflora returns to blossom, in a renewed edition, announcing a unique and irristable show.
From 23 April to 8 May 2022, let yourself be seduced and amazed by the scents, colors and floral architectures of the twelfth edition of Euroflora, the most important European floral exhibition of gardens and historic villas overlooking the sea.
An enchanting natural painting, a dream from a thousand one nights, a tribute to the beauty of this place that will be enhanced with amazing scenographic games in a riot of shapes and a chromatic explosion between flowers and leaves.
Event: Are you ready? Genova, Palazzo Ducale
Dates: 21 Oct 2021 - 4 Nov 2021
Inaugurazione della mostra "Are you ready?", che si tiene a Genova, Cortile Maggiore di Palazzo Ducale, piazza Matteotti 9, dal 21 ottobre al 4 novembre 2021, per la cura di Loredana Trestin coadiuvata da Cristina Bianchi, l'ideazione dell'Associazione ARconTE e l'organizzazione di Divulgarti.
Are you ready? Siete pronti? Ogni artista è pronto per far gustare le proprie opere artistiche? Per quali cose vale la pena impegnarsi nela pittura: l’amore, il dolore, il perseguire sogni e successi, il denaro... Cos'è veramente importante nella vita di ciascun essere umano? Gli artisti che partecipano a questa mostra propongono opere che ci interrogano su tutto questo, che ci chiedono "Are you ready?".
My name is Anastasiia Novitskaya. I was born in Ukraine. I have had a passion for drawing since childhood. All the time I was in search of myself. I was not interested in listening lectures, so I drew sketches in my notebooks. In 2014 I started studying oil painting in the Kyiv Art Gallery where I drew my first paintings.
In 2015 I moved to Poland, where I devoted myself entirely to art. I studied contemporary art and met local artists. During this period, I got acquainted with new techniques in painting. I opened my own cafe in Krakow, this was one of the first places where my paintings were shown.
In 2022 I moved to Genoa, Italy. This greatly influenced my paintings, I learned to convey the feeling of being near the sea. My sunsets have become sensual and brighter.
I love to experiment, to observe, to discover new aspects of familiar things. I am constantly searching for myself, my place in this world. Simple words can not convey all the nuances of emotions and experiences. Art for me - is a way to transfer feelings. It is what connect us together and takes communication to the next level - the emotional level.
I believe that art is the way to express the inexpressible.