About Nadya Peovska
2015 - 2017
Shumen Univercity "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski"
2011 - 2013
Private professional college in mode and modish stylistic
Finalist in competition for contemporary art MOST
Short movie fest '' KIno v dlan''
Engouraging award '' Rosalina Trutman''
Nomination for award ''Young artist of the year'' - in the name of Russi Stoyanov
Honor in Video Art Festival
Honors "Knight of aesthetics and fashion"
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Dates: 1 Oct 2023 - 31 Oct 2023
The project aims to focus citizens’ attention on the problem of depopulation in Strandzha villages. The project included walking and photographing several depopulating villages in Strandzha mountain in three different directions based on statistical data on living population at present. The villages that will be investigated are in the direction of Tsarevo – Bulgari, Kondolovo, Kosti, in the direction of M. Tarnovo – Mladezhko, Kalovo, Brashlyan, Byala voda, Evrenozovo and Vizitsa and in direction Sredets – Kirovo, Varovnik, Belevren, Golyamo Bukovo.
The ultimate goal is creation of digital collages, where silhouettes of people will appear against the background of deserted houses. In this way, the author will “bring” life into them. The project is aimed at Strandja depopulating villages and is realized with financial support of NFK under the Socially Engaged Arts Program.
Event: Seamstress of memories
Dates: 15 Nov 2022 - 30 Jun 2022
"Nadia Peovska shows a series of digital prints printed on fabric. The works are completely digital, without external interventions and additional material processing. The author is present on them with archival photos and decorative colorful elements interspersed as collages. The photos are on a dark background and the collage pieces are in clean bright colors. All this looks like a new patchwork, but not sewn from different pieces of fabric, but with photographic memories and geometric shapes. The compositions are open-ended, presented live, without a frame, and the continuation is part of the cut roll of fabric."
Ivo Bistrichki
Event: Exhibition by Nadya Peovska and Lilyana Ger
Dates: 2 Sep 2021 - 23 Sep 2021
‘Bonds’ is the title of a versatile art exhibition featuring the works of two sisters, Lilyana Ger and Nadya Peovska. It involves an artistic miscellanea, comprising the use of different materials through a synthesis of different media, reflecting on notions such as identity, memory and relationships. The two artists are linking their different artistic practices, presenting a unique selection of experimental work which represents their perspectives on familial bonds and human interactions. The exhibition will showcase digital work, collages as well as mixed media. It will be hosted at our Palazzo de La Salle’s Art Galleries, and will be curated by Roderick Camilleri.
Event: Sea inspirations
Dates: 12 Jun 2019 - 2 Jul 2019
Painting and Textile
In my paintings are coded states in moments from the suspended time. The mind perceives the color and the light the clean and simple forms. The female silhouette is the main character. Alternating body movements of female figures are caught in stop motion as if out of a film tape. Persons are indistinguishable, unrecognized as backlit facing inward. And with each subsequent stage motion is detected – a moment of deep thought, memory, desire, dream, rest, waiting. In the background the colors of nature breathe deep, warm and calm.