About Muraz Martirosyan
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Muraz Martirosyan was born in 1957 in Armenia in Megri. In 1973, he left College
acquired profession of sculptor who specializes in restoration. In 1981 graduated
from P. Terlemezian High Art School. He continued his education in Yerevan Institute
of Art and successfully graduated it in 1987. During his education, he took a part
in republican and union art exhibitions. He won a Third Prize in 1985 when he was
taking part in the Academic All-Union’s student exhibition. In 1988, he became a
member of Association of Young Artists of Armenia. One of his statuary was
acquired by the ministry of Culture of Armenia and the other one was gained
by the Union of Artists of Armenia. Many of his sculptures and paintings are
stored in the private collections in different countries. Since 1992 he has been
living and creating in Prague.