Eleanor Mill

Joined Artfinder: June 2017

Artworks for sale: 27

Russian Federation

About Eleanor Mill

  • Biography

    I am a seasoned graphic artist with a focus on realistic visual art. The centre place of my paintings belong to cityscapes. Traditional architectural visualisation as hand-drawn watercolour rendering are my strong point.

    ▪️Artwork are in 4 museum collections

    ▪️Featured in 7 solo exhibitions and over 70 art exhibitions worldwide

    ▪️30 times my works were recognized with awards and shortlisted in international competitions

    ▪️8 times my artwork were published in print publications including "Pratique des Arts" (France) and "Artists Magazine" (USA), as well as featured in several online magazines

    ▪️Brand ambassador of Princeton Brush 

    Being a watercolour and graphics artist I use to work with paper, graphite, black-chalk, ink and watercolours. Watercolours is my unrivalled material. It shows itself unpredictably and detests mis-action. It’s watercolours definitely that saturates paintings with light and breath of life.
    Graphics art is my greatest passion. Here one’s emotions become clean and colours - useless, while aesthetics of forms revives.

    There has been a veritable firestorm of emotions each time I choose the next subject. As it’s crucial to reflect my own impressions - immediate emotions appeared at the certain moment and at the certain place. Triggering this action I oftentimes modify reality.

    I am not steady in painting the right shapes but I create an illusion of reality, move structures and  joint  views. Having used hyperbola I keep the image.

  • 2006 - 2012

    Baltic Institute of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Cooperation,

    2003 - 2006

    Johansson State Academy Art Lyceum at the Russian Academy of Arts

    2000 - 2003

    St. Petersburg's Children’s Art School “Alexandrino”

  • 2021


    in the 36th international architectural drawing competition "American Society of Architectural Illustrators"

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    in the 36th international architectural drawing competition "American Society of Architectural Illustrators"


    1st Diploma nomination «Tradition in watercolour»



    Finalist «The Strokes of Genius 12» competition

    Artists Network, USA


    1st place in Aquarelium Bruxelles competition

    «Architecture» category


    Special Jury Mention «Drawing from life» category

    «ArchiGraphicArts 7» competition of architectural drawings


    Finalist VAO

    «Visual Art Open 2020» competition


    Finalist 15th ARC Salon

    Art Renewal Center


    1st Degree Diploma nomination CITYSCAPE



    Special Jury Mention “drawing from life”

    ArchiGraphicArts competition of architectural drawings


    1st Public Prize in category “International artist”

    Exhibition “L’art d’ici et d’ailleurs”, Belgium


    Diploma First Degree

    IX International competition “Art-Bridge-Watercolor". Nomination - Cityscape.


    1st place in landscape nomination

    International art competition “Russian Art Week” Spring 2016. Moscow, Russia


    Gold Medal in realism section

    New York Realism Society


    1st place in landscape nomination

    International art competition “Russian Art Week” Autumn 2016. Moscow, Russia


    Certificate of excellence

    16th Artavita online art competition


    Bronze winner in the "Graphic Design" category

    7th All-Russian Design Biennale "Modulor". St. Petersburg, Russia


    People's Choice Award

    People's Choice Award in the "Communication Design" category for the brand and packaging design of the new line of dairy products at the exhibition which hosts the course, degree and initiative works competition between Russian and foreign design schools (as a part of the National Festival of Architecture, Design and the Arts)


    3rd place

    In the construction site fence decorating competition at the Information Technology Park
  • There are no upcoming events

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    Previous events

    Event: Immersion. Watercolor portraits of cities

    Dates: 3 May 2018 - 17 May 2018

    Venue: FossArt Gallery, Bolshaya Morskaya street 19, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

    The city alive and immobile at the same time is my source of inspiration. This is the environment in which my life and my creativity are immersed. The center of concentration of life, arts, dreams and moods.

    Event: 12th youth exhibition "Youth of St. Petersburg"

    Dates: 26 Apr 2018 - 6 May 2018

    Venue: Exhibition Center Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38, St. Petersburg, Russia

    The annual exhibition of the Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, "Youth of St. Petersburg" presents paintings by artists under the age of 35 years.

    Event: «The Masters of Watercolor»

    Dates: 1 Feb 2018 - 25 Feb 2018

    Venue: Exhibition Center Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38, St. Petersburg, Russia

    The exhibition “MASTERS OF WATERCOLOR” presents an audience the best and the most famous watercolor masters from all over the world.

    Event: "The Muse should work"

    Dates: 21 Dec 2017 - 31 Jan 2018

    Venue: Art Muse gallery, 13 line 70-72, V.O., St. Petersburg, Russia

    Annual group exhibition "The Muse should work"
    Art Muse gallery, St.Petersburg

    Event: “Art-Bridge-Watercolor"

    Dates: 18 Nov 2017 - 18 Dec 2017

    Venue: Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

    The IX International Biennale “Art-Bridge-Watercolor 2017"
    Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg

    Event: 1st International Watercolour Festival IWS PORTUGAL

    Dates: 4 May 2017 - 7 May 2017

    Venue: Ricardo Pettermann Laires, Municipal Gallery of Torres Vedras,Portugal

    Torres Vedras – Galeria Municipal, Paços do Concelho, Portugal

    Event: 11th youth exhibition "Youth of St. Petersburg"

    Dates: 26 Apr 2017 - 5 May 2017

    Venue: Exhibition Center Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38, St. Petersburg, Russia

    The annual exhibition of the Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, "Youth of St. Petersburg" presents paintings by artists under the age of 35 years.

    Event: "Russian Art Week" for the 2017 spring season

    Dates: 20 Mar 2017 - 26 Mar 2017

    Venue: Moscow House of Artists, Kuznetsky Most str., 11, Moscow, Russia

    Russian Art Week successfully represents not only esteemed artists but rising talents as well. There are artists from all over the world, from Russia. This diversity allows to combine traditional and modern styles, to create an unforgettable atmosphere of creativity and vision of art.

    Event: The II International Watercolor Biennale

    Dates: 12 Mar 2017 - 12 Apr 2017

    Venue: National Historical Museum, Tirana, Albania

    The II International Watercolor Biennale, IWS Albania

    Event: "The Muse should work"

    Dates: 3 Feb 2017 - 20 Mar 2017

    Venue: Art Muse gallery, 13 line 70-72, V.O., St. Petersburg, Russia

    Annual All-Russian competition for young artists "Muse should work".

    Event: "Un seul grain de riz"

    Dates: 19 Dec 2016 - 7 Jan 2017

    Venue: Galerie Metanoia, Paris France

    The annual international exhibition of paintings of small formats.

    Event: "Euro-Asian Art Week"

    Dates: 11 Nov 2016 - 17 Nov 2016

    Venue: Design Center ARTPLAY, Moscow

    "Euro-Asian Art Week" for the 2016 autumn season
    Euro-Asian Art Week successfully represents not only esteemed artists but rising talents as well. There are artists from all over the world, from Russia, Europe and Asia. This diversity allows to combine traditional and modern styles, to create an unforgettable atmosphere of creativity and vision of art.

    Event: IMHO project

    Dates: 1 Nov 2016 - 6 Dec 2016

    Venue: Art Muse gallery, 13 line 70-72, V.O., St. Petersburg, Russia

    IMHO is an author's subjective project about human life. Contemplations about simple and complex concepts of social life, expressed in laconic visual forms. This project was inspired by the two authors’ discussions about such concepts as: hope, fear, personality, system, politics ...
    These discussions resulted in a visualized dialogue about life based on personal experience and self-discovery.

    In the diversity of the human world it is very easy to overlook the obvious. Authors want to focus their attention on these often overlooked things. The IMHO project consists of independent compositions in the spirit of minimalism to express the idea in the most pure and accurate way.

    IMHO is an emotional project with a spark of irony and sarcasm.

    Event: The III international contamporary art exhibition ArtExpoSPb

    Dates: 21 Oct 2016 - 23 Oct 2016

    Venue: LenExpo, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Artists, sculptors, creative associations and art galleries from different cities of Russia, CIS countries, Europe and Asia come to St. Petersburg every autumn to the Fair of Modern Art "ArtExpoSPb".

    Event: "10x10x10xTieton"

    Dates: 13 Aug 2016 - 9 Oct 2016

    Venue: Tieton Arts and Humanities, Tieton, WA, USA

    Tieton Arts & Humanities' annual exhibitions for small artwork. Artists from all over the world to submit works no larger than 10 inches x 10 inches x 10 inches.

    Event: "Salon Show"

    Dates: 22 Jun 2016 - 10 Jul 2016

    Venue: West Side Arts Coalition, 96 Street and Broadway, center island, New York, USA

    Annual exhibition of contemporary art.

    Event: "Power of color”

    Dates: 10 Jun 2016 - 30 Jun 2016

    Venue: New York Realism Gallery, 174 West 89th Street, New York, USA

    Group exhibition "Power of color” in New York Realism Gallery.

    Event: “Eleanor Mill. Urban graphic & urban sketch"

    Dates: 31 May 2016 - 4 Jun 2016

    Venue: Borey Art Gallery, 58 Liteyny Avenue, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Solo exhibition “Eleanor Mill. Urban graphic & urban sketch"

    Event: “Art-Bridge-Watercolor"

    Dates: 18 Nov 2015 - 12 Dec 2015

    Venue: Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

    The VIII International Biennale “Art-Bridge-Watercolor 2015"

    Event: "Modulor. The Tenth St Petersburg Design Biennale"

    Dates: 13 Nov 2015 - 22 Nov 2015

    Venue: Creative space "Tkachi", St. Petersburg, Russia

    The largest professional design forum in Russia - All-Russia Exhibition of the Design Biennale "Modulor-2015", with the support of the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg.

    Event: "Power and Time"

    Dates: 21 Feb 2013 - 28 Feb 2013

    Venue: Artillery Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

    Exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty.

    Event: "Bishops and the defenders of the Motherland"

    Dates: 29 May 2012 - 10 Jun 2012

    Venue: National Cultural Center "Trinity", St. Petersburg, Russia

    Group exhibition "Bishops and the defenders of the Motherland" exhibition within the festival of sacred music in St. Petersburg.



2006 - 2012

Baltic Institute of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Cooperation,

2003 - 2006

Johansson State Academy Art Lyceum at the Russian Academy of Arts

2000 - 2003

St. Petersburg's Children’s Art School “Alexandrino”




The 2nd Annual Women in Watercolor International Juried Competition

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in the 36th international architectural drawing competition "American Society of Architectural Illustrators"


1st Diploma nomination «Tradition in watercolour»



Finalist «The Strokes of Genius 12» competition

Artists Network, USA


1st place in Aquarelium Bruxelles competition

«Architecture» category


Special Jury Mention «Drawing from life» category

«ArchiGraphicArts 7» competition of architectural drawings


Finalist VAO

«Visual Art Open 2020» competition


Finalist 15th ARC Salon

Art Renewal Center


1st Degree Diploma nomination CITYSCAPE



Special Jury Mention “drawing from life”

ArchiGraphicArts competition of architectural drawings


1st Public Prize in category “International artist”

Exhibition “L’art d’ici et d’ailleurs”, Belgium


Diploma First Degree

IX International competition “Art-Bridge-Watercolor". Nomination - Cityscape.


1st place in landscape nomination

International art competition “Russian Art Week” Spring 2016. Moscow, Russia


Gold Medal in realism section

New York Realism Society


1st place in landscape nomination

International art competition “Russian Art Week” Autumn 2016. Moscow, Russia


Certificate of excellence

16th Artavita online art competition


Bronze winner in the "Graphic Design" category

7th All-Russian Design Biennale "Modulor". St. Petersburg, Russia


People's Choice Award

People's Choice Award in the "Communication Design" category for the brand and packaging design of the new line of dairy products at the exhibition which hosts the course, degree and initiative works competition between Russian and foreign design schools (as a part of the National Festival of Architecture, Design and the Arts)


3rd place

In the construction site fence decorating competition at the Information Technology Park

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Immersion. Watercolor portraits of cities

Dates: 3 May 2018 - 17 May 2018

Venue: FossArt Gallery, Bolshaya Morskaya street 19, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The city alive and immobile at the same time is my source of inspiration. This is the environment in which my life and my creativity are immersed. The center of concentration of life, arts, dreams and moods.

Event: 12th youth exhibition "Youth of St. Petersburg"

Dates: 26 Apr 2018 - 6 May 2018

Venue: Exhibition Center Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38, St. Petersburg, Russia

The annual exhibition of the Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, "Youth of St. Petersburg" presents paintings by artists under the age of 35 years.

Event: «The Masters of Watercolor»

Dates: 1 Feb 2018 - 25 Feb 2018

Venue: Exhibition Center Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38, St. Petersburg, Russia

The exhibition “MASTERS OF WATERCOLOR” presents an audience the best and the most famous watercolor masters from all over the world.

Event: "The Muse should work"

Dates: 21 Dec 2017 - 31 Jan 2018

Venue: Art Muse gallery, 13 line 70-72, V.O., St. Petersburg, Russia

Annual group exhibition "The Muse should work"
Art Muse gallery, St.Petersburg

Event: “Art-Bridge-Watercolor"

Dates: 18 Nov 2017 - 18 Dec 2017

Venue: Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

The IX International Biennale “Art-Bridge-Watercolor 2017"
Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg

Event: 1st International Watercolour Festival IWS PORTUGAL

Dates: 4 May 2017 - 7 May 2017

Venue: Ricardo Pettermann Laires, Municipal Gallery of Torres Vedras,Portugal

Torres Vedras – Galeria Municipal, Paços do Concelho, Portugal

Event: 11th youth exhibition "Youth of St. Petersburg"

Dates: 26 Apr 2017 - 5 May 2017

Venue: Exhibition Center Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, Bolshaya Morskaya st., 38, St. Petersburg, Russia

The annual exhibition of the Saint-Petersburg Union of Artist, "Youth of St. Petersburg" presents paintings by artists under the age of 35 years.

Event: "Russian Art Week" for the 2017 spring season

Dates: 20 Mar 2017 - 26 Mar 2017

Venue: Moscow House of Artists, Kuznetsky Most str., 11, Moscow, Russia

Russian Art Week successfully represents not only esteemed artists but rising talents as well. There are artists from all over the world, from Russia. This diversity allows to combine traditional and modern styles, to create an unforgettable atmosphere of creativity and vision of art.

Event: The II International Watercolor Biennale

Dates: 12 Mar 2017 - 12 Apr 2017

Venue: National Historical Museum, Tirana, Albania

The II International Watercolor Biennale, IWS Albania

Event: "The Muse should work"

Dates: 3 Feb 2017 - 20 Mar 2017

Venue: Art Muse gallery, 13 line 70-72, V.O., St. Petersburg, Russia

Annual All-Russian competition for young artists "Muse should work".

Event: "Un seul grain de riz"

Dates: 19 Dec 2016 - 7 Jan 2017

Venue: Galerie Metanoia, Paris France

The annual international exhibition of paintings of small formats.

Event: "Euro-Asian Art Week"

Dates: 11 Nov 2016 - 17 Nov 2016

Venue: Design Center ARTPLAY, Moscow

"Euro-Asian Art Week" for the 2016 autumn season
Euro-Asian Art Week successfully represents not only esteemed artists but rising talents as well. There are artists from all over the world, from Russia, Europe and Asia. This diversity allows to combine traditional and modern styles, to create an unforgettable atmosphere of creativity and vision of art.

Event: IMHO project

Dates: 1 Nov 2016 - 6 Dec 2016

Venue: Art Muse gallery, 13 line 70-72, V.O., St. Petersburg, Russia

IMHO is an author's subjective project about human life. Contemplations about simple and complex concepts of social life, expressed in laconic visual forms. This project was inspired by the two authors’ discussions about such concepts as: hope, fear, personality, system, politics ...
These discussions resulted in a visualized dialogue about life based on personal experience and self-discovery.

In the diversity of the human world it is very easy to overlook the obvious. Authors want to focus their attention on these often overlooked things. The IMHO project consists of independent compositions in the spirit of minimalism to express the idea in the most pure and accurate way.

IMHO is an emotional project with a spark of irony and sarcasm.

Event: The III international contamporary art exhibition ArtExpoSPb

Dates: 21 Oct 2016 - 23 Oct 2016

Venue: LenExpo, St. Petersburg, Russia

Artists, sculptors, creative associations and art galleries from different cities of Russia, CIS countries, Europe and Asia come to St. Petersburg every autumn to the Fair of Modern Art "ArtExpoSPb".

Event: "10x10x10xTieton"

Dates: 13 Aug 2016 - 9 Oct 2016

Venue: Tieton Arts and Humanities, Tieton, WA, USA

Tieton Arts & Humanities' annual exhibitions for small artwork. Artists from all over the world to submit works no larger than 10 inches x 10 inches x 10 inches.

Event: "Salon Show"

Dates: 22 Jun 2016 - 10 Jul 2016

Venue: West Side Arts Coalition, 96 Street and Broadway, center island, New York, USA

Annual exhibition of contemporary art.

Event: "Power of color”

Dates: 10 Jun 2016 - 30 Jun 2016

Venue: New York Realism Gallery, 174 West 89th Street, New York, USA

Group exhibition "Power of color” in New York Realism Gallery.

Event: “Eleanor Mill. Urban graphic & urban sketch"

Dates: 31 May 2016 - 4 Jun 2016

Venue: Borey Art Gallery, 58 Liteyny Avenue, St. Petersburg, Russia

Solo exhibition “Eleanor Mill. Urban graphic & urban sketch"

Event: “Art-Bridge-Watercolor"

Dates: 18 Nov 2015 - 12 Dec 2015

Venue: Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

The VIII International Biennale “Art-Bridge-Watercolor 2015"

Event: "Modulor. The Tenth St Petersburg Design Biennale"

Dates: 13 Nov 2015 - 22 Nov 2015

Venue: Creative space "Tkachi", St. Petersburg, Russia

The largest professional design forum in Russia - All-Russia Exhibition of the Design Biennale "Modulor-2015", with the support of the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg.

Event: "Power and Time"

Dates: 21 Feb 2013 - 28 Feb 2013

Venue: Artillery Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty.

Event: "Bishops and the defenders of the Motherland"

Dates: 29 May 2012 - 10 Jun 2012

Venue: National Cultural Center "Trinity", St. Petersburg, Russia

Group exhibition "Bishops and the defenders of the Motherland" exhibition within the festival of sacred music in St. Petersburg.



I am a seasoned graphic artist with a focus on realistic visual art. The centre place of my paintings belong to cityscapes. Traditional architectural visualisation as hand-drawn watercolour rendering are my strong point.

▪️Artwork are in 4 museum collections

▪️Featured in 7 solo exhibitions and over 70 art exhibitions worldwide

▪️30 times my works were recognized with awards and shortlisted in international competitions

▪️8 times my artwork were published in print publications including "Pratique des Arts" (France) and "Artists Magazine" (USA), as well as featured in several online magazines

▪️Brand ambassador of Princeton Brush 

Being a watercolour and graphics artist I use to work with paper, graphite, black-chalk, ink and watercolours. Watercolours is my unrivalled material. It shows itself unpredictably and detests mis-action. It’s watercolours definitely that saturates paintings with light and breath of life.
Graphics art is my greatest passion. Here one’s emotions become clean and colours - useless, while aesthetics of forms revives.

There has been a veritable firestorm of emotions each time I choose the next subject. As it’s crucial to reflect my own impressions - immediate emotions appeared at the certain moment and at the certain place. Triggering this action I oftentimes modify reality.

I am not steady in painting the right shapes but I create an illusion of reality, move structures and  joint  views. Having used hyperbola I keep the image.


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