About Mauro Carac
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"I experience art as a total inclusive adventure that encompasses everything from painting to digital art. Every day, I strive to make sense of the complex by collecting fragments and piecing them together like a puzzle. And each day, it is a search for beauty that drives me to pursue that process.
I paint with a childlike passion, balanced between uncertainty and enthusiasm, and with a single purpose, to immerse myself in the deep and mysterious creative subconscious. I entertain ideas and images, interacting with them almost in symbiosis. Brushes, like any other artistic tool, act as an extension of the body and the hand can paint with speed and precision when guided by spiritual concentration and connection.
Working in a wide range of mediums and employing interdisciplinary techniques continues to inspire my practice. Oil paints, watercolours, ceramics and sculptures all cross paths and cross-pollinate. What I am aiming for, which I aspire to, is an equilibrium of colour and form, figurative and abstraction, matter and the immaterial. I am attracted to each in equal measure, traversing an artistic Möbius band, with no real beginning and no end in sight. For me, art in its purest form is the conscientious conquest of an image."