About matilda simona teodorescu
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I am a child soul in love with stories and an adult who loves play, magic, colour, the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves, the wind on my cheek, nature, life in its entirety.
My story began many years ago, when in college, in a design class, I designed my first piece of jewelry... I studied architecture, fascinated by how you can turn a small drawing into a large construction. I learned about proportion, about fluid forms, like life itself, and about the rigor of geometric structures that reduce the most complex truths to their essence.
I look for the shapes of nature and place feelings, feelings, thoughts in them. I stop...I sit on the colours of the stones broken by the water, the wind, the sun...and I listen...I listen to the breath of life...
As an architect, searching, understanding and assimilating form, proportion and colour, I now make the reverse journey, from macrocosm to microcosm, treading the path of the visual arts, painting about rebirth, butterflies travelling on spring flowers, musical harmonies, forests misty with snow, seahorses at Vama Veche, love stories woven between Danube and Sea at Sulina, about life, about us.