Mark Lloyd Williams

Joined Artfinder: Nov. 2017

Artworks for sale: 31


United Kingdom

About Mark Lloyd Williams

  • Biography
    Bit of an "outsider" based in a series of ex-industrial buildings in the fabulously beautiful harsh wilderness of rural Wales in the UK, surrounded by ancient castles, Druids, Bards and sheep.
    My work spans everything from sculpture to screen print usually with an undercurrent of surreal, dark humour running through it. Occasionally, I slip from this path and create work based on organic forms, whether that's a steel sculpture base on the shapes of microscopic fungi, or an abstract landscape inspired by light casting shadows on rocks.
    My work is often a bit odd. Probably not for everyone. Possibly not for most people. But at least it's not wallpaper designed to match the sofa. 
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Bit of an "outsider" based in a series of ex-industrial buildings in the fabulously beautiful harsh wilderness of rural Wales in the UK, surrounded by ancient castles, Druids, Bards and sheep.
My work spans everything from sculpture to screen print usually with an undercurrent of surreal, dark humour running through it. Occasionally, I slip from this path and create work based on organic forms, whether that's a steel sculpture base on the shapes of microscopic fungi, or an abstract landscape inspired by light casting shadows on rocks.
My work is often a bit odd. Probably not for everyone. Possibly not for most people. But at least it's not wallpaper designed to match the sofa.