Marie Green

Joined Artfinder: March 2014

Artworks for sale: 18



Updates from Marie Green's studio

  • Plein Painting

    Plein Painting

    The immediacy of painting outdoors is both a joy and a challenge. Light changes, winds blow and boats move. But I would greatly miss it because it does sharpening the painter's skills.

    08 April 2017

    The exhibition works continue!

    The exhibition works continue!

    My Reflections exhibition took over two years to paint. So there is a wonderful sense of achievement to see the drying walls holding finished works. And a sigh of relief because sometimes the project seems overwhelming.

    20 January 2017

    Working on the Cameleers

    Working on the Cameleers

    Some stories are best told in the triptych format and I felt my endless miles of camels and their keepers in the hot dry landscape leant itself well to that.

    02 July 2015