About Mariann Johansen-Ellis
1999 - 2040
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Event: Selected Exhibitions
Dates: 1 May 2016 - 1 Jan 2017
Selected exhibitions:
2001: Solo Exhibition “Show me your Etchings” Shell Brunei Exhibition Facility
2002: Group Exhibition “The Art Show” Shell Brunei Exhibition Facility
2003: Solo Exhibition “Print It!” Shell Brunei Exhibition Facility
2005: Art Sydney, Australia
2005: Group Exhibition “Pameran Poskad” Gallery La Libreria, Singapore
2005: Art Singapore, Singapore
2005: Solo Exhibition “All about the story” Red Sea Gallery, Singapore
2006: Art Sydney, Australia
2006: Art Singapore, Singapore
2007: Solo Exhibition “An Elephant told Me”, Red Sea Gallery, Singapore
2007: Art Sydney, Australia
2008: Red Sea Gallery moved to their current space, where Mariann has a
room with a permanent exhibition.
2008: Group Exhibition “Pameran Poskad”, House, Singapore
2008: Group Exhibition “1x1x1” FOST Gallery, Singapore (www.fostgallery.com)
2009: Group Exhibition Green Door International Print Exchange, United Kingdom
2009: Group Exhibition PrintZero Internationa
34 years a full time printmaker and I am as much in love with printmaking as the day I pulled my first print!
My presses have moved with me, from Borneo to Singapore, from Singapore to Spain, and now on to Denmark, where I have set up my studio and gallery on the little island I originally come from, Møn. I am self taught, making every mistake you can think of, and learning, learning as I went along. I have tried to make my shop as fun as possible, experiencing art, should not be about dead serious, but a pleasure, a treasure, a need to come back and above all a voyage amongst pieces that contains heart and soul of the artists who made them. You should not have to be rich to own one of my prints, that is, for me, what printmaking is about, a democratic art form, allowing both you and me to be collectors.
My inspiration comes from a variety of sources, I have no single line of work, but prefer to make images as they come into my head, through books, I love to read, through radio, music and a huge part, from my daily dogwalks, that not only provide inspiration from nature but also moments of contemplation that results in many of my prints!
All my prints are printed on best quality printmaking papers (favorites are Zerkall, Fabriano, and Hahnemuelhe) with Charbonnel etching inks.
Since joining Artfinder in 2016, Mariann is a regular on the top 40 best seller list with over 5000 artworks sold to collectors all over the world.