About María Burgaz
1987 - 1992
Arts in Complutense University of Madrid
Profesional Soccer Foundation Art Award
Her art has also been acquired by several Institutions like Caja Madrid Bank, Torrelodones Casino, City Council of Gibraleón, City Council of Martos, Coracera Castle Foundation, Iberdrola Foundation, City Council of Alicante,City Council of Horche, City Council of Horche...
And her work is in private collections all over the world.
There are no upcoming events
When you enter little by little into my personal world you discover a narration full of symbols that are all over the canvas, and which show a story that with irony and humour will hopefully make you stare at my work. You will always find a positive sight of the world, a World of excess which turns the excess to armony, the delightful armony of chaos. I look at everything that surrounds me, we live in an age of images and colors and they all inspire me, as well as the masters that I need to rediscover always. Besides all the sensations and information that you find in my work, I concentrate to match techniques, materials and images with words, messages, making my work a continuous search without stopping in the things that I already know, but searching and discovering new ways to express so much that I have inside, and that I can´t stop expressing. Colour is esential to me, I love to match colors and discover the different effects they have and how they vibrate on various surfaces and materials, each work is a new adventure.