Marcela Jardón

Joined Artfinder: March 2021

Artworks for sale: 20


About Marcela Jardón

  • Biography
    Mi work is characterized by the absence of realistic descriptions in my landscapes, which invite the observer to experience a personal connection with the scenes. I use different materials in a process of controlled experimentation.
    Since 2000 I have lived and worked in Barcelona. My exhibition career spans America, Europe and Asia, highlighting my participation in art fairs such as Art Karlsruhe, Art Madrid, Luxemburg Art Fair, estampa (Spain) and Arte in Nuvola, among others.
    I have been a finalist and winner of multiple international awards and competitions.
    my works are part of private and public collections in institutions such as the National Library of Spain, the University of Valencia, the Specialized Library in Contemporary Photography of the Forvm Foundation for Photography, the University of Panama, The University of the West of England, Bristol. And recently incorporated into the permanent collection of the CICA Museum of Korea.

    I have been working in art for 40 years. Obviously, after such a long time, it is my way of life, since I understand artistic practice as a form of expansion of consciousness. I have always been self-managed, independent and rebellious, with an idealistic and poetic profile, but times have changed, I have become more practical, and today I prefer to delegate the management of sales. Since every day I need more and more time in the workshop. 
    My CV and texts are complete on my own website.
  • Links
  • Education

    2002 - 2002

    MECAD (Media Center Art Design) Barcelona

    2000 - 2000

    Hangar Barcelona

    1993 - 1993

    Museo Eduardo Sívori Buenos Aires

    1989 - 1989

    Laboratorio Prothoplast

    1989 - 1989

    Taller del maestro M. Martínez Casás

    1988 - 1988

    Of. Asuntos Culturales de la Embajada de España en Argentina

    1988 - 1988

    Mutual de Egresados de Bellas Artes. Buenos Aires

    1984 - 1984

    Casa de Cultura Municipalidad de San Fernando

    1983 - 1988

    Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón.

    1981 - 1981

    Casa de Cultura, Municpalidad de Tigre

    1980 - 1982

    Taller de Nora Corradetti San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Awards


    Primer Premio Concurso Audiovisual Azulazul

    Barcelona, España

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    Accesit Concurso Fotografico “Festa Major de Gracia 2000"

    Barcelona, España


    Mención Salón Pequeño Formato Galería Neumann & Asoc.

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Primer Premio Salón Apertura Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Primer Premio II Salón de Almagro

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Segundo Premio IX Salón de Artistas Plásticos Municipalidad de San Isidro

    San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Primer Premio VII Salón la Actualidad en el Arte

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Segundo Premio VIII Salón Anual de Artistas Plásticos, Municipalidad de San Isidro

    San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Tercer Premio IV Salón Arte Joven, Municipalidad de San Isidro

    San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Primer Premio III Salón de Arte Joven, Municipalidad de San Isidro

    San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Tercer Premio Convocatoria Fotografica “mirar i veure” Universidad de Valencia

    Valencia, España
  • Upcoming Events

    Upcoming events

    Event: Fair Artist Experience

    Dates: 1 Dec 2021 - 5 Dec 2521

    Venue: Fundación Carlos de Amberes, Calle de Claudio Coello, 99, 28006 Madrid

    International Contemporary Art Fair

    Show previous events Hide previous events

    Previous events

    Event: Feria internacional de arte contemporáneo Barcelona

    Dates: 5 Apr 2024 - 7 Apr 2024

    Venue: Art3F, Barcelona

    Contemporary Art Fair

    Event: Art Madrid

    Dates: 6 Mar 2024 - 10 Mar 2024

    Venue: ArtMadrid, Madrid, Spain

    Contemporary Art Fair

    Event: “Contemporary Art by WestStationGallery

    Dates: 8 Feb 2024 - 3 Mar 2024

    Venue: West Station Gallery, Torvet 2 6640 Lunderskov, Denmark

    Contemporary Spanish artists exhibition

    Event: Arte in Nuvola

    Dates: 23 Nov 2023 - 26 Nov 2023

    Venue: ARTE in NUVOLA Contemporary Art Fair, La Nuvola di Fuksas - Rome

    The Uxval Gochez Gallery presents for Arte in Nuvola in Rome, the Fiera Internazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, a selection of paintings from my series Floating Landscapes (interdimensional maps)

    Event: Parallax Art Fair London

    Dates: 28 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023

    Venue: Parallax Art fair, Kensington Town Hall, London

    Contemporary Art Market

    Event: Art Karlsruhe International Fair for Classic Modern and Contemporary Art

    Dates: 4 May 2023 - 7 May 2023

    Venue: Art Karlsruhe 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany

    International Fair for Classic Modern and Contemporary Art

    Event: 6th International Contemporary art Fair Luxembourg

    Dates: 20 Apr 2023 - 23 Apr 2023

    Venue: Luxembourg Art Fair, Luxembourg

    International Contemporary art Fair Luxembourg, represented by Le Petit Atelier Gallery

    Event: C.A.R. Contemporary Art Ruhr 2022 (International Art Fair)

    Dates: 28 Oct 2022 - 30 Oct 2022

    Venue: UNESCO-World Heritage Site Zollverein, Zollverein, Essen, Germany

    Contemporary Art Ruhr (C.A.R.) 2022, the innovative art fair, October 28 -30/2022
    UNESCO-World Heritage Site Zollverein, exhibition halls: A 5, A 6, A 8, A 12, Essen, Germany

    Event: ESTAMPA Contemporary Art Fair

    Dates: 13 Oct 2022 - 16 Oct 2022

    Venue: IFEMA, Madrid, Spain

    Estampa es una feria de arte contemporáneo que se celebra en el otoño madrileño desde hace 29 años, cuyo ámbito de trabajo es el mercado del arte en España, y su preocupación es la formación y estabilización de un coleccionismo sostenible para un galerismo en crecimiento y actualización constantes en nuestro país.

    La feria se articula en torno a un Programa General de grandes galerías españolas y una serie de programas cuyos comisarios plantean la actualidad más reciente de la práctica del arte contemporáneo o colocan el foco en asuntos más experimentales y menos transitados por el gran público.

    Nuestro programa de coleccionistas convoca a una selección de compradores internacionales que se acercan a Estampa todos los años para descubrir o corroborar la calidad de nuestras galerías nacionales y se completa con un programa de actividades centrado en la exploración y revisión del coleccionismo de arte contemporáneo en España y Portugal.

    Event: Art Karlsruhe Fair

    Dates: 7 Jul 2022 - 10 Jul 2022

    Venue: Art Karlsruhe 2022, Karlsruhe/Germany

    Karlsruhe art
    Modern and contemporary classical art fair. Germany.
    Represented by Javier Román Gallery.
    Stand H2/N04

    Event: Landscapes at Bada Madrid Art Fair

    Dates: 5 May 2022 - 8 May 2022

    Venue: Bada Madrid Art Fair, Casa de Campo, Pabellón Satélite, Madrid.

    For this Art Fair, I have selected a series of recently produced paintings and collages.
    My Stand is 65, and from May 5 to 8 I will be happy to welcome you.



2002 - 2002

MECAD (Media Center Art Design) Barcelona

2000 - 2000

Hangar Barcelona

1993 - 1993

Museo Eduardo Sívori Buenos Aires

1989 - 1989

Laboratorio Prothoplast

1989 - 1989

Taller del maestro M. Martínez Casás

1988 - 1988

Of. Asuntos Culturales de la Embajada de España en Argentina

1988 - 1988

Mutual de Egresados de Bellas Artes. Buenos Aires

1984 - 1984

Casa de Cultura Municipalidad de San Fernando

1983 - 1988

Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón.

1981 - 1981

Casa de Cultura, Municpalidad de Tigre

1980 - 1982

Taller de Nora Corradetti San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina



Primer Premio Concurso Audiovisual Azulazul

Barcelona, España

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Accesit Concurso Fotografico “Festa Major de Gracia 2000"

Barcelona, España


Mención Salón Pequeño Formato Galería Neumann & Asoc.

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Primer Premio Salón Apertura Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Primer Premio II Salón de Almagro

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Segundo Premio IX Salón de Artistas Plásticos Municipalidad de San Isidro

San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Primer Premio VII Salón la Actualidad en el Arte

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Segundo Premio VIII Salón Anual de Artistas Plásticos, Municipalidad de San Isidro

San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Tercer Premio IV Salón Arte Joven, Municipalidad de San Isidro

San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Primer Premio III Salón de Arte Joven, Municipalidad de San Isidro

San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Tercer Premio Convocatoria Fotografica “mirar i veure” Universidad de Valencia

Valencia, España

Upcoming events

Event: Fair Artist Experience

Dates: 1 Dec 2021 - 5 Dec 2521

Venue: Fundación Carlos de Amberes, Calle de Claudio Coello, 99, 28006 Madrid

International Contemporary Art Fair

Show previous events Hide previous events

Previous events

Event: Feria internacional de arte contemporáneo Barcelona

Dates: 5 Apr 2024 - 7 Apr 2024

Venue: Art3F, Barcelona

Contemporary Art Fair

Event: Art Madrid

Dates: 6 Mar 2024 - 10 Mar 2024

Venue: ArtMadrid, Madrid, Spain

Contemporary Art Fair

Event: “Contemporary Art by WestStationGallery

Dates: 8 Feb 2024 - 3 Mar 2024

Venue: West Station Gallery, Torvet 2 6640 Lunderskov, Denmark

Contemporary Spanish artists exhibition

Event: Arte in Nuvola

Dates: 23 Nov 2023 - 26 Nov 2023

Venue: ARTE in NUVOLA Contemporary Art Fair, La Nuvola di Fuksas - Rome

The Uxval Gochez Gallery presents for Arte in Nuvola in Rome, the Fiera Internazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, a selection of paintings from my series Floating Landscapes (interdimensional maps)

Event: Parallax Art Fair London

Dates: 28 Oct 2023 - 29 Oct 2023

Venue: Parallax Art fair, Kensington Town Hall, London

Contemporary Art Market

Event: Art Karlsruhe International Fair for Classic Modern and Contemporary Art

Dates: 4 May 2023 - 7 May 2023

Venue: Art Karlsruhe 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany

International Fair for Classic Modern and Contemporary Art

Event: 6th International Contemporary art Fair Luxembourg

Dates: 20 Apr 2023 - 23 Apr 2023

Venue: Luxembourg Art Fair, Luxembourg

International Contemporary art Fair Luxembourg, represented by Le Petit Atelier Gallery

Event: C.A.R. Contemporary Art Ruhr 2022 (International Art Fair)

Dates: 28 Oct 2022 - 30 Oct 2022

Venue: UNESCO-World Heritage Site Zollverein, Zollverein, Essen, Germany

Contemporary Art Ruhr (C.A.R.) 2022, the innovative art fair, October 28 -30/2022
UNESCO-World Heritage Site Zollverein, exhibition halls: A 5, A 6, A 8, A 12, Essen, Germany

Event: ESTAMPA Contemporary Art Fair

Dates: 13 Oct 2022 - 16 Oct 2022

Venue: IFEMA, Madrid, Spain

Estampa es una feria de arte contemporáneo que se celebra en el otoño madrileño desde hace 29 años, cuyo ámbito de trabajo es el mercado del arte en España, y su preocupación es la formación y estabilización de un coleccionismo sostenible para un galerismo en crecimiento y actualización constantes en nuestro país.

La feria se articula en torno a un Programa General de grandes galerías españolas y una serie de programas cuyos comisarios plantean la actualidad más reciente de la práctica del arte contemporáneo o colocan el foco en asuntos más experimentales y menos transitados por el gran público.

Nuestro programa de coleccionistas convoca a una selección de compradores internacionales que se acercan a Estampa todos los años para descubrir o corroborar la calidad de nuestras galerías nacionales y se completa con un programa de actividades centrado en la exploración y revisión del coleccionismo de arte contemporáneo en España y Portugal.

Event: Art Karlsruhe Fair

Dates: 7 Jul 2022 - 10 Jul 2022

Venue: Art Karlsruhe 2022, Karlsruhe/Germany

Karlsruhe art
Modern and contemporary classical art fair. Germany.
Represented by Javier Román Gallery.
Stand H2/N04

Event: Landscapes at Bada Madrid Art Fair

Dates: 5 May 2022 - 8 May 2022

Venue: Bada Madrid Art Fair, Casa de Campo, Pabellón Satélite, Madrid.

For this Art Fair, I have selected a series of recently produced paintings and collages.
My Stand is 65, and from May 5 to 8 I will be happy to welcome you.



Mi work is characterized by the absence of realistic descriptions in my landscapes, which invite the observer to experience a personal connection with the scenes. I use different materials in a process of controlled experimentation.
Since 2000 I have lived and worked in Barcelona. My exhibition career spans America, Europe and Asia, highlighting my participation in art fairs such as Art Karlsruhe, Art Madrid, Luxemburg Art Fair, estampa (Spain) and Arte in Nuvola, among others.
I have been a finalist and winner of multiple international awards and competitions.
my works are part of private and public collections in institutions such as the National Library of Spain, the University of Valencia, the Specialized Library in Contemporary Photography of the Forvm Foundation for Photography, the University of Panama, The University of the West of England, Bristol. And recently incorporated into the permanent collection of the CICA Museum of Korea.

I have been working in art for 40 years. Obviously, after such a long time, it is my way of life, since I understand artistic practice as a form of expansion of consciousness. I have always been self-managed, independent and rebellious, with an idealistic and poetic profile, but times have changed, I have become more practical, and today I prefer to delegate the management of sales. Since every day I need more and more time in the workshop. 
My CV and texts are complete on my own website.