Maksym Newskulenko

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Joined Artfinder: Jan. 2024

Artworks for sale: 19



About Maksym Newskulenko

  • Biography
    About the artist: Maksym Newskulenko was born on February 20, 1993 in the city of Romny, Sumy region

    In 2014, he graduated from KhNUVS (SF) (law), but decided to devote his life to creativity, starting with tattoos, which he does to this day.

    He began studying drawing and painting with private lessons. Later, he entered a university to obtain an academic education.

    In 2023, he graduated from the SDPU named after Makarenko majoring in "Fine art, decorative art, restoration".

    Since 2021, participant of All-Ukrainian and international exhibitions. The author's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, and the United States.

    Since 2017, he has been engaged in artistic tattooing Since 2022, he has his own creative studio for children and adults Among the works, mostly female portraits are presented, in which a realistic image of the human body and geometric elements in the style of pop art are skillfully combined. The heroines of the works are calm, majestic, as if goddesses in modern clothes are preoccupied with the affairs of the present and are full of thoughts about the eternal. Each of them has its own story and is imbued with the author's personal love for the female image. The artist conveys the feeling of admiration, respect and exaltation of women as the source of life.
  • Links
  • Education

    2019 - 2023

    Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko

  • Awards


    Participant of All-Ukrainian and international exhibitions

    The author's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, and the United States.
  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events

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    Previous events

    Event: Personal exhibition "Through the prism of feelings" in Sumy

    Dates: 24 Aug 2023 - 26 Aug 2023

    Venue: Through the prism of feelings, Sumy

    Personal exhibition "Through the prism of feelings" in Sumy

    Event: Іnternational Art Contests White Winter

    Dates: 14 Jun 2023 - 20 Jun 2023

    Venue: White Winter, Sumy

    Іnternational Art Contests White Winter

    Event: Exhibition and sale at the "Nasha M" gallery

    Dates: 1 Apr 2023 - 8 Apr 2023

    Venue: Nasha M, Sumy

    Exhibition and sale at the "Nasha M" gallery, Manufaktura shopping center, Sumy

    Event: Exhibition before Artist's Day

    Dates: 1 May 2021 - 8 May 2021

    Venue: Sumy Art Museum, Sumy Art Museum

    Exhibition hall of the Sumy Union of Artists



2019 - 2023

Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko



Participant of All-Ukrainian and international exhibitions

The author's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, and the United States.

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Personal exhibition "Through the prism of feelings" in Sumy

Dates: 24 Aug 2023 - 26 Aug 2023

Venue: Through the prism of feelings, Sumy

Personal exhibition "Through the prism of feelings" in Sumy

Event: Іnternational Art Contests White Winter

Dates: 14 Jun 2023 - 20 Jun 2023

Venue: White Winter, Sumy

Іnternational Art Contests White Winter

Event: Exhibition and sale at the "Nasha M" gallery

Dates: 1 Apr 2023 - 8 Apr 2023

Venue: Nasha M, Sumy

Exhibition and sale at the "Nasha M" gallery, Manufaktura shopping center, Sumy

Event: Exhibition before Artist's Day

Dates: 1 May 2021 - 8 May 2021

Venue: Sumy Art Museum, Sumy Art Museum

Exhibition hall of the Sumy Union of Artists



About the artist: Maksym Newskulenko was born on February 20, 1993 in the city of Romny, Sumy region

In 2014, he graduated from KhNUVS (SF) (law), but decided to devote his life to creativity, starting with tattoos, which he does to this day.

He began studying drawing and painting with private lessons. Later, he entered a university to obtain an academic education.

In 2023, he graduated from the SDPU named after Makarenko majoring in "Fine art, decorative art, restoration".

Since 2021, participant of All-Ukrainian and international exhibitions. The author's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Poland, Great Britain, and the United States.

Since 2017, he has been engaged in artistic tattooing Since 2022, he has his own creative studio for children and adults Among the works, mostly female portraits are presented, in which a realistic image of the human body and geometric elements in the style of pop art are skillfully combined. The heroines of the works are calm, majestic, as if goddesses in modern clothes are preoccupied with the affairs of the present and are full of thoughts about the eternal. Each of them has its own story and is imbued with the author's personal love for the female image. The artist conveys the feeling of admiration, respect and exaltation of women as the source of life.