About Lucy Moore
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Event: Harrogate International Visual Arts Expo
Dates: 20 Nov 2015 - 22 Nov 2015
Hive is a major selling fair and expo featuring independent artists, dealers, galleries & art suppliers
Event: Open
Dates: 14 Feb 2015 - 26 Apr 2015
This popular annual exhibition for both amateur and professional artists is a celebration of creative talent. Artists age 16 plus are invited to submit up to 2 artworks for consideration. A selection will be made by two external selectors usually an artist and a curator. Artworks selected will be displayed in an exhibition at the gallery from 14 February to 26 April 2015. The majority of works will be for sale, with the gallery taking a commission. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to purchase an original artwork at an affordable price.
I have always enjoyed being creative but lacked the confidence to pursue a career as an artist, after many nudges from family and friends I decided to bite the bullet.
I set out on my artists adventure in Feb 2014 I used my loft for a studio and spent every spare moment experimenting and creating.
In Feb 2015 I signed up to several online galleries, every painting I sold boosted my confidence and I would spend hour daydreaming of becoming a full time artist.
Since then I have come a long way and have been able to purchase my own studio, I now have a little sanctuary in my back garden.
When I am not working as a part time book keeper, I can be found hidden away in my studio creating original artworks.
I am inspired by the nature around me, from flourishing meadows to the crashing waves in the ocean, however I do like to add my own twist on things. I do love to work freely with abstract using colours and textures to guide me.
For me Art is a necessity, I need to paint. The colours and images that swirl round my head daily I capture on canvas.
I feel very privileged to have sold my work all over the world.
My dream is to become a full time artist, With each painting I sell I take a step closer to achieving my goal.
13/08/2018 I took a leap of faith. Currently working as a full time artists.
"If you give up on your dreams, what's left?" (Jim Carrey)