Lisa Lennon

Joined Artfinder: July 2019

Artworks for sale: 173


United Kingdom

About Lisa Lennon

  • Biography
    I grew up in the Isle of Man which is rich with nature and folklore. This influenced me growing up and has remained with me to this day. I have always been enthralled by the beauty and mystery of life and I create work to capture that sublime and ineffable quality.

    My work leans towards an air of the magical, a moment in time that is left open for interpretation. I work in different mediums as each creates a different feel.

    My focus is primarily 2D and work in oil, water colour, digital illustration and digital animation.

    If you would like to commission me for a portrait please contact me through the 'commission me' option.

    I am also a public speaker on the sublime nature of life and have so far written two books. I hope you enjoy my work. Much love Lisa
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I grew up in the Isle of Man which is rich with nature and folklore. This influenced me growing up and has remained with me to this day. I have always been enthralled by the beauty and mystery of life and I create work to capture that sublime and ineffable quality.

My work leans towards an air of the magical, a moment in time that is left open for interpretation. I work in different mediums as each creates a different feel.

My focus is primarily 2D and work in oil, water colour, digital illustration and digital animation.

If you would like to commission me for a portrait please contact me through the 'commission me' option.

I am also a public speaker on the sublime nature of life and have so far written two books. I hope you enjoy my work. Much love Lisa