Linda Coppens

Joined Artfinder: Nov. 2014

Artworks for sale: 250



About Linda Coppens

  • Biography

    I engage in my own quiet battle against this increasingly frenetic world we are living in with colorful and vibrant abstract artworks that offer a moment of beauty and harmony.

    I work in both acrylics and oil or mixed media on paper, canvas and panel. 
    My works start with marks or shapes on which I build layer by layer. 
    As a process-oriented painter, I never plan a painting or work from sketches, I just decide to start and one mark, shape or color will suggest the next color or gesture.
    I love to play and experiment with color and materials. For me, being an artist is all about finding my way as I go. The not knowing when I approach a new canvas or paper is challenging and liberating at the same time. My goal is to bring about breathing life onto the surface of the painting with stream of consciousness gesture, mark making and energy. I build up and destroy. With each layer I seek answers and I add or subtract elements to obtain a new equilibrium, reflecting life today and the balance we need to find within.

    The human mind and the influence of our past experiences on our current experiences is another theme throughout my work. I found that oil & cold wax with its soft, transparent consistency is an ideal material for expressing the layered nature of memory. I create the rich and complex surfaces with physical depth by applying multiple thick and thin transparent and opaque layers of oil & cold wax while scratching in it with different tools. 

    With my paintings, I want to offer the viewer a moment to balance and a space to wander.

    I live and work in Spain most of the year.
    In early life, I was always scribbling and drawing but becoming an artist was not really an option in a family with no artistic antecedents.
    I got my Master in Psychology but my interest in art remained and twenty years later, I decided to do it properly. 
    I entered the Art Academy in Liedekerke, Belgium where I completed both a Drawing Certificate and a Painting Certificate and discovered my passion for abstract art. I then explored art on my own, complemented with advanced art workshops before leaping out into the art world in 2009.
    I have since then participated in numerous exhibitions, in Belgium and internationally.

  • Links
  • Education

    2013 - 2013

    Oil & cold wax workshop

    2013 - 2013

    Extreme composition

    2013 - 2014


    2004 - 2009

    Academy -visual arts Liedekerke

    2002 - 2006

    Advanced workshops

    1998 - 2004

    Academy -visual arts Liedekerke

  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events

    Show previous events Hide previous events

    Previous events

    Event: Art itinerary Tervuren

    Dates: 25 May 2017 - 28 May 2017

    Venue: Art itinerary Tervuren, Tervuren/Belgium

    Artists open their studio or present their work in a public plase

    Event: Open Atelier Ternat 2017

    Dates: 19 May 2017 - 21 May 2017

    Venue: Open Atelier Ternat 2017, Ternat/Belgium

    Art itinerary where 21 artists open their studio during this weekend.

    Event: Likart

    Dates: 6 May 2017 - 7 May 2017

    Venue: Likart, Liedekerke/Belgium

    Art itinerary in Liedekerke/Belgium - Artists open their studio for the public or present their work in a public location.

    Event: A visual conversation

    Dates: 28 Apr 2016 - 22 May 2016

    Venue: CC Asse, Huinegem 2-4, Asse (Belgium)

    Starting Thursday 28 April, the duo-exhibition A visual conversation of Liliane De Koninck & Linda Coppens will be hosted in the Cultural Center of Asse, Huinegem 2-4, 1730 Asse (Belgium).
    You are cordially invited to the Opening reception on Thursday 28/4 at 19h30.
    Linda shows her abstract paintings, Liliane her figurative works.
    Check out my blog post about the exhibition [here](

    Event: E-Mixed (9)

    Dates: 5 Sep 2015 - 27 Sep 2015

    Venue: MAP, Molenstraat, 7 - 9900 Eeklo (Belgium)

    Group exhibition with 7 other artists (paintings).
    MAP - Molenstraat, 7
    9900 Eeklo (Belgium)
    Opening hours: Saturdays 13-19h / Sundays 13-17h
    The invitation can be found here



2013 - 2013

Oil & cold wax workshop

2013 - 2013

Extreme composition

2013 - 2014


2004 - 2009

Academy -visual arts Liedekerke

2002 - 2006

Advanced workshops

1998 - 2004

Academy -visual arts Liedekerke

There are no upcoming events

Show previous events Hide previous events

Previous events

Event: Art itinerary Tervuren

Dates: 25 May 2017 - 28 May 2017

Venue: Art itinerary Tervuren, Tervuren/Belgium

Artists open their studio or present their work in a public plase

Event: Open Atelier Ternat 2017

Dates: 19 May 2017 - 21 May 2017

Venue: Open Atelier Ternat 2017, Ternat/Belgium

Art itinerary where 21 artists open their studio during this weekend.

Event: Likart

Dates: 6 May 2017 - 7 May 2017

Venue: Likart, Liedekerke/Belgium

Art itinerary in Liedekerke/Belgium - Artists open their studio for the public or present their work in a public location.

Event: A visual conversation

Dates: 28 Apr 2016 - 22 May 2016

Venue: CC Asse, Huinegem 2-4, Asse (Belgium)

Starting Thursday 28 April, the duo-exhibition A visual conversation of Liliane De Koninck & Linda Coppens will be hosted in the Cultural Center of Asse, Huinegem 2-4, 1730 Asse (Belgium).
You are cordially invited to the Opening reception on Thursday 28/4 at 19h30.
Linda shows her abstract paintings, Liliane her figurative works.
Check out my blog post about the exhibition [here](

Event: E-Mixed (9)

Dates: 5 Sep 2015 - 27 Sep 2015

Venue: MAP, Molenstraat, 7 - 9900 Eeklo (Belgium)

Group exhibition with 7 other artists (paintings).
MAP - Molenstraat, 7
9900 Eeklo (Belgium)
Opening hours: Saturdays 13-19h / Sundays 13-17h
The invitation can be found here



I engage in my own quiet battle against this increasingly frenetic world we are living in with colorful and vibrant abstract artworks that offer a moment of beauty and harmony.

I work in both acrylics and oil or mixed media on paper, canvas and panel. 
My works start with marks or shapes on which I build layer by layer. 
As a process-oriented painter, I never plan a painting or work from sketches, I just decide to start and one mark, shape or color will suggest the next color or gesture.
I love to play and experiment with color and materials. For me, being an artist is all about finding my way as I go. The not knowing when I approach a new canvas or paper is challenging and liberating at the same time. My goal is to bring about breathing life onto the surface of the painting with stream of consciousness gesture, mark making and energy. I build up and destroy. With each layer I seek answers and I add or subtract elements to obtain a new equilibrium, reflecting life today and the balance we need to find within.

The human mind and the influence of our past experiences on our current experiences is another theme throughout my work. I found that oil & cold wax with its soft, transparent consistency is an ideal material for expressing the layered nature of memory. I create the rich and complex surfaces with physical depth by applying multiple thick and thin transparent and opaque layers of oil & cold wax while scratching in it with different tools. 

With my paintings, I want to offer the viewer a moment to balance and a space to wander.

I live and work in Spain most of the year.
In early life, I was always scribbling and drawing but becoming an artist was not really an option in a family with no artistic antecedents.
I got my Master in Psychology but my interest in art remained and twenty years later, I decided to do it properly. 
I entered the Art Academy in Liedekerke, Belgium where I completed both a Drawing Certificate and a Painting Certificate and discovered my passion for abstract art. I then explored art on my own, complemented with advanced art workshops before leaping out into the art world in 2009.
I have since then participated in numerous exhibitions, in Belgium and internationally.