About Dawna Mae Mangeart
JIWI Japan International Watercolour Institute Competition
France-Poland International Watercolour Competition
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Previous events
Event: Solo Exhibition Burjassot Ayudamento Spain
Dates: 12 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023
It's my first solo exhibition here in Spain! :-)
Event: El Pilo Burjassot Annual Contest Exhibition
Dates: 9 Oct 2022 - 31 Oct 2022
My first time to participate in a local contest in Spain and was lucky that one of my work was selected :-)
Having traveled & lived in many countries, before my eyes, I witnessed God’s majestic creations but also how it was and still being destroyed, unfortunately. And so one day, I asked myself how can I contribute to the Earth’s healing in my own little ways? Right there, I’ve decided that for every painting sold, a tree or trees are planted in our humble land back home. This was also the inspiration of my shop’s logo.
Art is not just a freedom of expressions, it can also be a rendering of beauty with a purpose.