About Lifrancis Rojas
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Venezuelan born, Lifrancis Rojas is known for her highly textured paintings projecting a sense of movement and vibrant colorful surfaces. Utilizing organic materials, she achieves the unique appearance that defines her style.
The presence of fuzzy and smoky layers, play their role with streaks of tones creating an ethereal composition that generates a motion game drawings us closer to discover what is hidden beneath.
My last two series in which I’ve been working are “Mending Broken Souls” and “Forgotten Memories”.
In “Mending Broken Souls” I stitch together torn pieces of paper. Torn paper and different length threads determine how deep wounds run. Through my work, I aim to transmit the message that it doesn’t matter how broken you are, the wounds will always heal.
Forgotten Memories
It represents both how memories detach from the mind and which we can do nothing to stop. The fragility and ephemeral nature of life, often goes unacknowledged until it’s too late, and so my goal with this series is to honor and celebrate precious memories before they vanish using paper whose transitory nature mimics that of human life.