About Ksenia June
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Event: Art Rostov
Dates: 15 Apr 2021 - 25 Apr 2021
Group Art show
Event: Watching the Earthlings
Dates: 8 Mar 2021 - 18 Apr 2021
Group art show curated by Andrey Bartenev and "Zdes na Taganke" art gallery, Moscou, Russie.
Through my works I would like to show and share my perception with all art lovers. I believe art is a universal language, a bridge between cultures and human beings.
When I was 17, I won a textile design contest organized by a local textile factory, and this was the first opportunity to sell my art. Beyond the financial aspect, this has given me confidence that my ideas could be developed via an artistic approach.
I paint in oils, acrylics and in watercolor.
I do quite a lot of explorative works before starting a new canvas, so I have also sketches or small size works that are more affordable and could also be appreciated.
My inspiration comes from my travels, but also from my everyday dogwalks, from contemplation of a particular angle. I would like my art to bring a little appeasement to its audience and to become a portal to another dimension where one finds self.
I explore the theme of light and shadow of one's nature and inner self. Continuous struggle of light and dark sides reflects our nature, and even without accepting us as we are, we are all going through joys and sorrows, through calm and stormy times.
I would love my works bring serenity and calmness, and allow taking a deep breath and make a small step aside to take a little distance with the current moment. Philosophy and symbolism are important components to my works. I truly belive that each artwork is a personal message to a specific person. You are welcome to my world.