About Kevin Jackson
1975 - 1976
Chelsea School of Art
London Group Open
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Event: ero-tic 2
Dates: 31 Jan 2019 - 3 Feb 2019
ERO-TIC is an artistic research on the erotic imaginary that orbits, ticking, between the two extreme poles of eroticism: “erotomania-TIC” and “erotogenic-TAC".
Dates: 10 May 2018 - 4 Jun 2018
I painter and 5 ceramicists. A group exhibition exploring architecture and structure.
Event: Printshow
Dates: 15 Feb 2018 - 7 Mar 2018
Beside the Wave gallery artists in print.
Event: Across Boundaries
Dates: 5 Feb 2015 - 10 Mar 2015
Curated by Ana Cockerill. Works exhibited made in collaboration with Aude Hérail Jäger.
My area of study as a student was printmaking specialising in copperplate engraving, mezzotint and etching. In my professional life, I trained up and worked as a fine art printer and platemaker before my prints of the patterns in architecture and fabrics began to find currency.
The wonderment of the digital revolution has expanded the potential for artists in all areas, and finding the continuing place for hand processes in a screen dominated visual environment has become a major factor underpinning my work.