Katrina Case

Joined Artfinder: June 2015

Artworks for sale: 502


United States

Updates from Katrina Case's studio

  • Window Cave

    Hands down the most amazing place I have ever gotten the chance to Adventure Paint. Cueve Ventana, Arecibo, Puerto Rico

    31 May 2017

    Painting at El Yunque

    The 2 hr, one way hike was well worth the time spent painting at the highest point in El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico. Life is good and a bit windy!!

    26 May 2017

    Bighorn Mountains Adventure Painting

    Bighorn Mountains Adventure Painting

    Starting the Adventure Painting season out of the right foot with a trip to the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming to paint along the side of the road. An absolutely breathtaking landscape, could spend a hours and hours here just taking it all in. On the other hand, I don't think I will ever get use to people stopping to take my picture while I paint. Get out and paint, the possibilities are endless and the experience is priceless.

    26 May 2017

    Painting Among the Giants

    Painting Among the Giants

    A few hours north of where my parents live in Michigan is a state park called Hartwick Pines. This park is home to some of the oldest white pines in the state of Michigan. It is a sanctuary where solitude and history meet. Once an old lumber camp, now a monument to the past. I have painted here a few times and it never disappoints. The beauty of these giants will always have a special place in my heart and on my canvas.

    22 January 2017

    Toes in the Water

    Toes in the Water

    Sometimes to get the perfect angle you have to put yourself in some foul smelling, chilly situations. This was one of those times. The water was absolutely freezing but the angle was perfect so there I sat, bottom half being splashed by the waves. Not only that but just on the other side of this uprooted tree was a dead seagull, it smelled so very bad. I sat there for about 2 hours to complete the picture and spent the rest of the day trying to get that smell out of my nose, it was horrible, but again, worth every minute. It is these experiences that add to the heart and soul of this piece, making it even more special and its meaning just a bit deeper.

    13 November 2016

    North Dakota Studio

    North Dakota Studio

    My North Dakota studio just happens to be the front room, luckily no one seems to care. The morning light comes in strong making my paint vibrant and the evening glow warms them. Just out of the frame is my cockatiel, my ever present art critic. I am blessed in so many way, all I have to do is look around me. The piece I am working on if from an image I took in Wyoming of Pilot Peak. My uncle was a guide for many years through these mountains and I was able to get a personal tour of their beauty.

    05 August 2016

    On the Top of Schnapps Hill

    On the Top of Schnapps Hill

    There is nothing quite like painting out in nature, feeling the dirt beneath you and the wind in your hair. That raw emotional connection with your surroundings fuels the outcome of each piece. This is where I am at home and this is where my art is the truest to my spirit.

    25 May 2016

    Chasing Sunsets

    Chasing Sunsets

    As humans we hold on to so many things, so much of which is negativity. It mutes the colors of life and makes the music out of tune. Learn to let go, learn to let be, and learn to trust what is and what is not. Don't think, just paint.

    21 January 2016

    Working at Window Cave

    Working at Window Cave

    The climb was tricky and the smell of bat guano was overpowering, but the view was worth it all. I spent 2 and half amazing hours at this breathtaking spot painting. I am continually blessed with out of this world opportunities to create art. I am truly living the dream.

    09 December 2015

    Overcoming Challenges

    Overcoming Challenges

    October 29th I had reconstructive shoulder surgery on my right should, my dominate side. That evening, determined to not let anything hold me back, I was doing watercolors with my left hand. Although it was a huge challenge and it took me three times as long, I persevered. That first left handed watercolor sold within 2 days. Proof that determination will always produce results.

    05 November 2015

    Adventure Painting at Dead Indian Pass, WY

    Adventure Painting at Dead Indian Pass, WY

    Just returning home after a month long Adventure Painting hiatus. I have discovered over the years I have been painting, to really understand a subject matter you must spend time with it. This past month has been spent in the mountains learning to understand the mountains. It was an amazing experience, living and painting from the back of a pickup truck. Never stop chasing your passions.

    20 October 2015

    Adventure Painting in North Dakota

    Adventure Painting in North Dakota

    From the hill top on my uncles ranch in ND. I was able to talk my aunt in coming along with me on this journey, I got another one hooked to adventure painting.

    28 July 2015