About Karolina Masiewicz Zawisza
2015 - 2017
Academy of Art Wroclaw
2012 - 2015
University of Technology and Humanities of Radom
2008 - 2012
Art Hight School in Radom
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Event: Wystawa prac dyplomowych
Dates: 9 Jun 2015 - 5 Jun 2015
Wystawa prac dyplomowych studentów Wydziału Sztuki z Uniwersytetu Technologiczno - Humanistycznego w Radomiu. Zawierała prace licencjackie z pracowni multimedialnej dr Mariusza Dańskiego oraz pracowni projektowej prof Jana Trojana.
I am an artist - a painter, graphic designer, photographer.
I was born in 1992, in Radom. From an early age I was fascinated by art, so in 2003, I started drawing and painting classes at the School of Plastic them. Jacek Malczewski in Radom. Then, in the years 2008 - 2012 attended the School of Art to them. John Brandt in Radom, which completed a diploma of Painting, Drawing, Visual Advertising and Art History.
From 2012 to 2015 studied at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Technology - Humanities them. Kazimierz Pulaski in Radom, defending a diploma in Graphic Design with Dr. Mariusz Dańskiego.
Then I started my master's degree at the Academy of Fine Arts Eugenisz Geppert in Wrocław. In 2017, I received a master's degree with distinction in the studio of Wiesław Gołuch.
I am currently working in an advertising agency as an illustrator and graphic designer.
I'm interested in many areas of art. From classic - painting, photography, graphic art, sculpture, and modern - digital painting, installations, visualizations or applied art. In my works more often I try to combine these fields, expecting innovative effect. I try to be open to new technology, modern technology, multiple styles, to continue to grow.