About Karl G.o.P.
Born as an art junkie and managed to rise, evolve and shape shift, the Godfather of Plastic improved his art of making art. His speciality have always been unconvential materials. His weapons are his hot glue guns - and he knows how to handle those. The Godfather of Plastic, who also goes by the name Herr Karl (Mr. Karl), started out as the Godfather of Fimo. His sculptures and installations are still to be found as nightclub interior. But nowadays also galerys got an eye on the diverse range of creations by the G.o.P.; Due to his modest lifestyle Herr Karl is in the lucky position where he doesn't have to rely on selling his art, but he is thrilled to show his „puppies“ to a broader audience via Saatchi Art. Being able to spend his time on creating his thoughts into art is is greatest joy and passion.
The artists identity is fragmentary, flexible and versatile. These are the characteristics of his personification as the Godfather Of Plastic (G.o.P.) and the precondition for the metamorphosis of construction material to sculpture. Hot glue being the additive for activating his materials and breaking the compound of art with fabric: plastic becomes art. The artworks are flashy, whimsical, close to absurd. They embody their own motto „proud to be different“ in perfection, as a reference that the world is even more flashy, bizzare and in fact absurd.
Material, substance, sculpture, structures, constructions, a gamble of identity, shapeable art, heteronym. A product made of macromolecules and additives, based on the fusion of monomeres, branched and unbranched polymeres, built by application and texturing.