About Julia Swaby
2022 - present
London Fine Art Studios
2004 - 2007
University of London
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Event: Abstracts of Surrender
Dates: 1 Sep 2020 - 30 Sep 2021
Artist in residence
Event: Summer Exhibition
Dates: 2 Aug 2019 - 21 Aug 2019
Selected artists.
Julia Swaby is an abstract artist with international exposure. Her work hangs in collections from New York to Paris. She has completed work for a number of commissions, including for interior design projects in Mayfair, London.
Julia sees her practice as a way of transcending cognition and entering into pure being state (‘essere’). It is her imperative to capture a state of surrender in her paintings, which is typically on oversized canvases, painted in oils. Her style is somewhere between non-figurative abstract and expressionism.
Julia’s greatest influences are Zao Wou-Ki, Frank Bowling and William Turner. From Zao Wou-Ki, she draws on his deconstruction of nature and use of contrast. From Bowling, a courageous opulence of colour. Turner is an inspiration for many contemporary painters; for Julia, she focuses on his dynamic rendering of natural light.