Juan Isasa

Joined Artfinder: June 2016

Artworks for sale: 80



Updates from Juan Isasa's studio

  • Me working on Kiwun

    Me working on Kiwun

    This is how I normally work. I rarely use chairs, I lay down a plastic sheet for protecting the floor, I take out the tools or materials I need for each phase of the art piece and I sit on the floor with the legs crossed. I am used to this position and I can last working much longer than sitting on a chair. On this particular photo I am removing the excess of paint from the rims of the eyes, so I just need a cutter to do it. On the left side, by the window, you can see the previous phase materials like epoxy resin, the paint to color the resin, a bottle of thinner and a can of emanel.

    26 September 2016

    Tools prepared for MEDUSA

    Tools prepared for MEDUSA

    This was my first attempt on welding. Here are displayed all the tools I needed to create the framework of MEDUSA head. Iron wire are the bones and copper sheets the skin.

    14 September 2016

    Me and Ammonites

    Me and Ammonites

    I am hiding here behind this shelled creature. It also helps to understand the size of it, since just with the dimensions is not that easy to figure out its actual size. Hope you like it!!

    16 June 2016