About Jordan Eastwood
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Event: King House Art Gallery 2020 Exhibition
Dates: 12 Apr 2021 - 25 Apr 2021
An exhibition to represent the emotional fallout from the year 2020. There are no doubts that 2020 has been one of the most difficult years in recent times. From forest fires and social/racial clashes to a global pandemic that claimed over a million lives worldwide, caused economic recession and put many countries under restrictive lockdown measures, 2020 will certainly go to history as a year for humanity to remember.
Event: English Riviera Winter Open 2020
Dates: 9 Nov 2020 - 23 Dec 2020
Running over six weeks and inviting the submission of greetings cards and other affordable works, we hope the exhibition will continue it’s popularity with audiences, and with the anticipation of a busy Winter “staycation” season, also welcome new visitors to experience this exciting annual show.
Event: Bath Open Art Prize 2019
Dates: 24 May 2020 - 9 Jun 2020
An exhibition that ran during the 2020 Bath Fringe Festival.
Jordan Eastwood is a self taught, emerging artist, living on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon. Eastwood is heavily inspired by mental health issues, having personally struggled with them his entire adult life and is very invested in furthering the conversation surrounding these topics, aiming to destigmatise and normalise them. He creates works and installations that totally engage people, helping them experience feelings and new ‘environments’, in the hope that it will give people a sense of perspective and a real insight into how another person thinks and feels.
Specialising in figure drawings and portraits, Eastwood's work balances merging realism with profound expression. His pieces are distinguished by heavy use of dramatic lighting, primarily using black and white and with selective colour, instilling each artwork with an immersive ambiance that draws viewers in.
In previous exhibitions, Eastwood has taken a multisensory approach to his art, going beyond visual experience, incorporating sounds, scents and a sense of space. Taking heavy inspiration from artists such as Mark Rothko and Francis Bacon, his goal for his installations is to envelop viewers into the manifestation of an idea, moment or feeling, offering new perspectives on human emotions and experiences.
In order to reinforce the atmosphere created by his drawings, Eastwood sculpts figures from clay and burnt wood that in previous exhibitions, have acted as visual and emotional anchor points. These sculptures mirror the core ideas of the drawings, becoming expressive through exaggerated poses, and subtly enhanced anatomy.