Joined Artfinder: June 2014

Artworks for sale: 259




  • Biography


    Mullo (Joe Mulligan) is an Irish born artist who from a young age fell in love with the magic of cartoons. He’d spend hours upon hours sitting watching Disney movies and drawing what he saw in comics his parents would buy him. This passion continued through he’s teenage years and he worked hard on developing his artistic abilities. When in his twenties he was offered the opportunity work in Don Bluth Animation Studios, this turned out to not only be a dream come true, but the beginning of the twenty plus year career as an animator working on many feature films and television shows for Warner Bros, Disney, Fox, BBC and Cartoon Network just to name a few.


    My years in the animation industry thought me much about being a professional artist. It thought me that I am forever learning, that I will never stop developing as an artist and a person. I decided after a long happy career as an animator that I needed to express my creative self in new ways, take on my next challenge as an artist. I started painting, and I have not stopped since. I’ve realised through painting that all the experiences I’ve been lucky enough to live so far in this life are waiting within me. All the joys and all the pains, all parts of who I am, a bank of emotions! Painting allows me to remove my filter and express who I am and what I wish to share. Portraiture or abstract expression, both forms and styles coexist within me, but they are two different voices taking centre stage at different times. They remind me there are many parts to who I am, that I am an ever work in progress.

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  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: Summer Salon

    Dates: 12 Jun 2015 - 5 Jul 2015

    Venue: Islington Arts Factory, London

    Group exhibition were I am showing a number of recent artworks.

    Event: Faces

    Dates: 18 Jun 2014 - 19 Jun 2014

    Venue: Colonel Fawcett, London NW1 0SS

    First solo exhibition and an introduction to my work. I exhibited twenty works of art and the reviews were encouraging with much interest and excitement.


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Previous events

Event: Summer Salon

Dates: 12 Jun 2015 - 5 Jul 2015

Venue: Islington Arts Factory, London

Group exhibition were I am showing a number of recent artworks.

Event: Faces

Dates: 18 Jun 2014 - 19 Jun 2014

Venue: Colonel Fawcett, London NW1 0SS

First solo exhibition and an introduction to my work. I exhibited twenty works of art and the reviews were encouraging with much interest and excitement.




Mullo (Joe Mulligan) is an Irish born artist who from a young age fell in love with the magic of cartoons. He’d spend hours upon hours sitting watching Disney movies and drawing what he saw in comics his parents would buy him. This passion continued through he’s teenage years and he worked hard on developing his artistic abilities. When in his twenties he was offered the opportunity work in Don Bluth Animation Studios, this turned out to not only be a dream come true, but the beginning of the twenty plus year career as an animator working on many feature films and television shows for Warner Bros, Disney, Fox, BBC and Cartoon Network just to name a few.


My years in the animation industry thought me much about being a professional artist. It thought me that I am forever learning, that I will never stop developing as an artist and a person. I decided after a long happy career as an animator that I needed to express my creative self in new ways, take on my next challenge as an artist. I started painting, and I have not stopped since. I’ve realised through painting that all the experiences I’ve been lucky enough to live so far in this life are waiting within me. All the joys and all the pains, all parts of who I am, a bank of emotions! Painting allows me to remove my filter and express who I am and what I wish to share. Portraiture or abstract expression, both forms and styles coexist within me, but they are two different voices taking centre stage at different times. They remind me there are many parts to who I am, that I am an ever work in progress.