About Jessica Bleasby
2003 - 2006
Winchester School Of Art
2001 - 2003
Reading College of Art
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Event: Cotswold Artists Exhibition 2016
Dates: 22 Apr 2016 - 14 May 2016
There fourth annual Cotswold Artist Exhibition showcasing local talent.
I paint because I love to create and to express myself using my own visual language. I like to explore the infinite possibilities of paint and to share the results. The reason I primarily paint abstracts is that I'm not confined by any boundaries. I can truly explore and let the work flow. This allows complete expression and creativity. When I paint I feel that I'm connecting with myself and the universe on a deeper level. Every painting is a unique tribute to my artistic and personal journey.
I’m currently experimenting with using oil painting techniques to capture the qualities of illumination within colour. I use oil paint because it's intense and beautiful to blend. Oil creates incredible depth and vibrancy.
Although I use bold abstract colours, I'm inspired by the organic qualities of elements such as light, earth, water, fire and atmospheres. A lot of my art is influenced by the weather. I love to capture the drama of a thunder storm or to celebrate the summer with bright colours. I feel that finding inspiration in the weather can also help explore and express internal emotions and feelings.