Jelena Djokic

Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2017

Artworks for sale: 897



About Jelena Djokic

  • Biography

    I was born in 1986 in Uzice, Serbia, graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Construction Department (Belgrade University), attended private classes in architecture drawing and sculpting in Belgrade, Italian and English, learn from Charles Reid…   My works are in private collections (Texas, UK, Kansas, Michigan, New York, California, Nevada, Netherlands, Greece, Florida, Italy, South Australia, Ireland, Germany,  Illinois, Utah, Georgia, West Australia, Turkey, Maryland, Romania, Massachusetts, UAE, Pennsylvania, Spain, Poland, Belgium, France, Australian Capital Territory, Oregon, Louisiana, Chile, Wisconsin, Washington, Israel, Canada, Hong Kong SAR China, Mexico, Washington DC, Iowa, North Dakota, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Connecticut, Colorado, Portugal, Austria, Minnesota, Virginia…

    I find inspiration in simplicity, inner beauty, light, love, passion, people, freedom, color, flows, natural moves of human body, water, moment of now.  Sharing work with people and making them happy, as well as the process of creation for me is the key of living with aim. 

    Events: International Artist Symposium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022;  Single Work 2019, MedinaRoma, Rome, Juried Group Exhibition, June 21- July 21, Art colony ‘Putevima Save Sumanovica’ in Sid, Aug. 2018
    Exhibitions: 100th Anniversary of Our Republic, international juried group exhibition, Oct. 29-Nov. 30, 2023, Turkey
    Curators:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan ÇİLOĞLU (Director of Marmara University Traditional Handicrafts and
    Design Application and Research Center)
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa GENÇ (Director of Süleyman Demirel University Textile and Handicrafts
    Design Application and Research Center)
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin KAHRAMAN (Director of Yıldız Technical University Art and
    Design Application and Research Center)
    International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman/ ***Marmara University, Suleyman Demirel University, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, May 19-23, 2023, Commemorate of Ataturk, Youth & Sports Day; International juried group exhibition, 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?', ***curator Doc. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eroglu, May 2023, Turkey; International Artist Symosium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022; Single Work 2019, MedinaRoma, Rome, Juried Group Exhibition, June 21- July 21, Group Exhibition- artworks done on art colony, ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića' August 2017, Šid, Serbia; Juried Group Exhibition at Public Library ' Veljko Dugošević' Golubac, 2018, Serbia; Juried International Group Exhibition ' Memorijal MBĐ 9' 2018/ 2019 Location: Belgrade, Osaka; Juried International Group Exhibition ' Mini Akt vol 4' 2018/ 2019, Location: Belgrade, Nicosia, Osaka; International Juried Exhibition ' Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2018' September 2018, Majdanpek, Serbia  

  • Education

    2005 - 2015

    Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?'

    Dates: 19 May 2023 - 30 May 2023

    Venue: International juried group exhibition, 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?'***Curator: Doc. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eroglu, Turkey

    International juried group exhibition, 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?', ***curator Doc. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eroglu, May 2023, Turkey

    Event: International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman

    Dates: 1 May 2023 - 30 May 2023

    Venue: International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman/, Marmara University, Suleyman Demirel University, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey

    International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman/ ***Marmara University, Suleyman Demirel University, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, May 19-23, 2023, Commemorate of Ataturk, Youth & Sports Day

    Event: International Artist Symosium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022

    Dates: 9 Sep 2022 - 10 Oct 2022

    Venue: International Artist Symosium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022, Sarkoy, Turkey

    Artworks made during Artist Symposium from September 1-9, 2022, exhibited at Sarkoy Belediyesi, Trakya, Turkey

    Event: Single Work

    Dates: 21 Jun 2019 - 21 Jul 2019

    Venue: Single Work, MedinaRoma, Via Angelo Poliziano, 32-34-36, Rome (city center)

    SingleWork curationship by Annalisa Perriello and critics by Marta Lock. From 21 June to 21 July 2019 in Medina Roma concept space. The project correlates figurative and abstract works of painting, sculpture and photography. Each artist has the opportunity to exhibit a single work; hence the concept of the “Single Work” exhibition: a unique work that represents the artist’s poetics.

    Each artist will experience the possibility or the inability to bring the plurality (of beings, of sensations, of phenomena, of creativity) to a single substance or to the same principle. From Pythagoras to Plato, from the Renaissance to the New Age, from mathematicians to physicists. The History of Thought has always been measured with such elaborations. By cooling the search for a “theory of everything”, each artist will find his particular balance between idealism and form. You will not miss the choice of the solstitial day for the vernissage.

    Event: Remembering the Future

    Dates: 1 Nov 2018 - 15 Nov 2018

    Venue: Group Exhibition- Association ' Široka staza', Belgrade

    Artworks done during art colony in Zemun, Belgrade, July 2018. Subject: Nudes, Artwork dimensions: 35 x 45 cm, Technique: watercolor

    Event: MINI AKT vol 4

    Dates: 14 Oct 2018 - 21 Oct 2018

    Venue: MINI AKT vol 4, Belgrade, Nicosia

    Location: ArtHol, Belgrade Arena, Belgrade; Gallery 37, Nicosia. Juried Exhibition. Subject: Nude. Technique: Watercolor. Artwork dimensions: 19 x 19 cm.

    Event: International Exhibition, ' Memorijal MBĐ 9' Association 'Široka staza' Zemun

    Dates: 29 Sep 2018 - 19 Oct 2018

    Venue: International Exhibition, ' Široka staza', Serbia, Japan, Canada

    Location: Gallery 'Bogić', 42 Pljevaljska, Belgrade, Serbia. In 2019: Japan, Canada. Subject: Nude. Artwork dimensions: 25 x 25 cm. Technique: watercolor

    Event: International Exhibition ' Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2018'

    Dates: 8 Sep 2018 - 28 Sep 2018

    Venue: International Exhibition ' Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2018', Majdanpek

    Juried Exhibition. Location: Gallery of the Golden Inn Hotel. Subject: Portraits. Artwork dimensions: 7.5 x 10 cm. Technique: watercolor

    Event: Juried Group Exhibition at Public Library, Golubac

    Dates: 12 Apr 2018 - 26 Apr 2018

    Venue: Juried Group Exhibition at Public Library 'Veljko Dugosevic' Golubac, Golubac, Serbia

    Group Exhibition at Public Library Veljko Dugosevic, Golubac, Serbia. Subject: Nude. Artwork dimensions: 31.8 x 24.7 cm. Technique: watercolor

    Event: Group Exhibition- Association: ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića'

    Dates: 18 Aug 2017 - 25 Aug 2017

    Venue: Group Exhibition- Association: ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića', Sid

    Artworks done during Art Colony ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića'. Subject: Landscape, ships. Technique: watercolor. Location: Šid, Serbia


2005 - 2015

Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?'

Dates: 19 May 2023 - 30 May 2023

Venue: International juried group exhibition, 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?'***Curator: Doc. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eroglu, Turkey

International juried group exhibition, 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?', ***curator Doc. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eroglu, May 2023, Turkey

Event: International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman

Dates: 1 May 2023 - 30 May 2023

Venue: International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman/, Marmara University, Suleyman Demirel University, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey

International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman/ ***Marmara University, Suleyman Demirel University, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, May 19-23, 2023, Commemorate of Ataturk, Youth & Sports Day

Event: International Artist Symosium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022

Dates: 9 Sep 2022 - 10 Oct 2022

Venue: International Artist Symosium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022, Sarkoy, Turkey

Artworks made during Artist Symposium from September 1-9, 2022, exhibited at Sarkoy Belediyesi, Trakya, Turkey

Event: Single Work

Dates: 21 Jun 2019 - 21 Jul 2019

Venue: Single Work, MedinaRoma, Via Angelo Poliziano, 32-34-36, Rome (city center)

SingleWork curationship by Annalisa Perriello and critics by Marta Lock. From 21 June to 21 July 2019 in Medina Roma concept space. The project correlates figurative and abstract works of painting, sculpture and photography. Each artist has the opportunity to exhibit a single work; hence the concept of the “Single Work” exhibition: a unique work that represents the artist’s poetics.

Each artist will experience the possibility or the inability to bring the plurality (of beings, of sensations, of phenomena, of creativity) to a single substance or to the same principle. From Pythagoras to Plato, from the Renaissance to the New Age, from mathematicians to physicists. The History of Thought has always been measured with such elaborations. By cooling the search for a “theory of everything”, each artist will find his particular balance between idealism and form. You will not miss the choice of the solstitial day for the vernissage.

Event: Remembering the Future

Dates: 1 Nov 2018 - 15 Nov 2018

Venue: Group Exhibition- Association ' Široka staza', Belgrade

Artworks done during art colony in Zemun, Belgrade, July 2018. Subject: Nudes, Artwork dimensions: 35 x 45 cm, Technique: watercolor

Event: MINI AKT vol 4

Dates: 14 Oct 2018 - 21 Oct 2018

Venue: MINI AKT vol 4, Belgrade, Nicosia

Location: ArtHol, Belgrade Arena, Belgrade; Gallery 37, Nicosia. Juried Exhibition. Subject: Nude. Technique: Watercolor. Artwork dimensions: 19 x 19 cm.

Event: International Exhibition, ' Memorijal MBĐ 9' Association 'Široka staza' Zemun

Dates: 29 Sep 2018 - 19 Oct 2018

Venue: International Exhibition, ' Široka staza', Serbia, Japan, Canada

Location: Gallery 'Bogić', 42 Pljevaljska, Belgrade, Serbia. In 2019: Japan, Canada. Subject: Nude. Artwork dimensions: 25 x 25 cm. Technique: watercolor

Event: International Exhibition ' Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2018'

Dates: 8 Sep 2018 - 28 Sep 2018

Venue: International Exhibition ' Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2018', Majdanpek

Juried Exhibition. Location: Gallery of the Golden Inn Hotel. Subject: Portraits. Artwork dimensions: 7.5 x 10 cm. Technique: watercolor

Event: Juried Group Exhibition at Public Library, Golubac

Dates: 12 Apr 2018 - 26 Apr 2018

Venue: Juried Group Exhibition at Public Library 'Veljko Dugosevic' Golubac, Golubac, Serbia

Group Exhibition at Public Library Veljko Dugosevic, Golubac, Serbia. Subject: Nude. Artwork dimensions: 31.8 x 24.7 cm. Technique: watercolor

Event: Group Exhibition- Association: ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića'

Dates: 18 Aug 2017 - 25 Aug 2017

Venue: Group Exhibition- Association: ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića', Sid

Artworks done during Art Colony ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića'. Subject: Landscape, ships. Technique: watercolor. Location: Šid, Serbia



I was born in 1986 in Uzice, Serbia, graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Construction Department (Belgrade University), attended private classes in architecture drawing and sculpting in Belgrade, Italian and English, learn from Charles Reid…   My works are in private collections (Texas, UK, Kansas, Michigan, New York, California, Nevada, Netherlands, Greece, Florida, Italy, South Australia, Ireland, Germany,  Illinois, Utah, Georgia, West Australia, Turkey, Maryland, Romania, Massachusetts, UAE, Pennsylvania, Spain, Poland, Belgium, France, Australian Capital Territory, Oregon, Louisiana, Chile, Wisconsin, Washington, Israel, Canada, Hong Kong SAR China, Mexico, Washington DC, Iowa, North Dakota, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Connecticut, Colorado, Portugal, Austria, Minnesota, Virginia…

I find inspiration in simplicity, inner beauty, light, love, passion, people, freedom, color, flows, natural moves of human body, water, moment of now.  Sharing work with people and making them happy, as well as the process of creation for me is the key of living with aim. 

Events: International Artist Symposium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022;  Single Work 2019, MedinaRoma, Rome, Juried Group Exhibition, June 21- July 21, Art colony ‘Putevima Save Sumanovica’ in Sid, Aug. 2018
Exhibitions: 100th Anniversary of Our Republic, international juried group exhibition, Oct. 29-Nov. 30, 2023, Turkey
Curators:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan ÇİLOĞLU (Director of Marmara University Traditional Handicrafts and
Design Application and Research Center)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa GENÇ (Director of Süleyman Demirel University Textile and Handicrafts
Design Application and Research Center)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin KAHRAMAN (Director of Yıldız Technical University Art and
Design Application and Research Center)
International juried group exhibition***Curators: Prof. Dr. Hakan Ciloglu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Genc, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kahraman/ ***Marmara University, Suleyman Demirel University, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, May 19-23, 2023, Commemorate of Ataturk, Youth & Sports Day; International juried group exhibition, 'Sesimizi Duyan Var mi?', ***curator Doc. Dr. Mehmet Ali Eroglu, May 2023, Turkey; International Artist Symosium, Sarkoy, Turkey 2022; Single Work 2019, MedinaRoma, Rome, Juried Group Exhibition, June 21- July 21, Group Exhibition- artworks done on art colony, ' Na putevima Save Šumanovića' August 2017, Šid, Serbia; Juried Group Exhibition at Public Library ' Veljko Dugošević' Golubac, 2018, Serbia; Juried International Group Exhibition ' Memorijal MBĐ 9' 2018/ 2019 Location: Belgrade, Osaka; Juried International Group Exhibition ' Mini Akt vol 4' 2018/ 2019, Location: Belgrade, Nicosia, Osaka; International Juried Exhibition ' Art in Miniature MajdanArt 2018' September 2018, Majdanpek, Serbia