Jane Palmer Art

Joined Artfinder: Oct. 2015

Artworks for sale: 517


United Kingdom

Updates from Jane Palmer Art's studio

  • Coke crush pic 3

    Coke crush pic 3

    17 January 2020

    Coke crush pic 2

    Coke crush pic 2

    17 January 2020

    Coke crush painting pic 1

    Coke crush painting pic 1

    This was a fun one to paint, I only paint from life , I really dislike using any reference photos, think I was on a bit of a sugar rush after drinking a couple of cans! Here are a few in progress pics

    17 January 2020

    Little snoopy

    Little snoopy

    Painting little snoopy from life

    16 January 2020

    Chocolate bunny

    Chocolate bunny

    Painting a chocolate bunny from life

    13 February 2019

    Milk painting

    Milk painting

    This is an in progress pic of my still Life set up, this was my first milk painting 🐄 Painted alla prima

    28 November 2018



    New drinks coasters available see my website www.janepalmerart.com

    24 September 2017



    My set up for painting from life, a bit of a change today, not painted many coconuts

    20 August 2017

    New mounted paintings

    New mounted paintings

    20 October 2016

    Lollipop painting

    Lollipop painting

    Half a potato came in handy to hold the lollipop standing up while I painted it!

    25 August 2016



    Painting raspberries alla prima

    07 June 2016

    Steady hand

    Steady hand

    I use my mahl stick to steady my hand on details

    31 January 2016